[Haskell-cafe] Re: ocr'ed version of "The implementation offunctional languages"

Harri Haataja harriha at mail.student.oulu.fi
Tue Feb 1 07:26:51 EST 2005

On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 05:44:05PM +0600, Victor Snezhko wrote:
> Ivan Boldyrev <boldyrev+nospam at cgitftp.uiggm.nsc.ru> writes:
> >> It's just more convenient to read OCRed books than raster ones.
> >> Zoom without interpolation,
> > You haven't seen the book in DjVu format :)  BTW, DjVu can contain

DjVu can contain the scanned image, ps or whatnot and a selectable
invisible (at least by default) OCR version that will be used when
selecting text.

> I saw such books, but didn't have enough time to find good viewers.
> I viewed them with IE plugin, and didn't like it.

The qt viewer (and plugin) is also quite horrible, I'm afraid.

> > text, but I haven't learned proper spell yet :)  I use free tools,
> > so it may be difficult or impossible.

Do see http://any2djvu.djvuzone.org/

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