[Haskell-cafe] Alternative lambda syntax (not entirely serious)

Fritz Ruehr fruehr at willamette.edu
Fri Feb 18 18:41:59 EST 2005

I was introducing a fresh set of students to lambda abstraction in 
Haskell yesterday and had the following inspiration about a possible 
alternative syntax. I didn't end up showing the idea to the students -- 
too confusing -- but I thought I would float it here, as long as nobody 
takes it too seriously (this is the Cafe, after all :) ) .

The idea arose from two things I'd done recently in class: introducing 
the underscore pattern as "an anonymous variable", and also commenting 
on the relationship between the final "->" in a type signature and the 
"=" of the corresponding function definition.

So, since a lambda abstraction denotes an anonymous function, the 
underscore signifies anonymous things, and given that "->" of the 
current syntax connotes a type than a value, I thought "why not this 
syntax instead?":

	(_ x = x)                -- the identity function

	(_ (x,y) = x)            -- the fst function

     (_ f g x = f (g x))      -- composition

In other words, at a lexical level we simply write "_" in place of "\" 
and "=" in place of "->". The use and placement of the "_" nicely 
indicates that what we are denoting is both anonymous and a function, 
and the use of the "=" makes it more parallel to the definition of a 
named function.

This looks pretty nice in the right context, e.g., when talking about 
the kinds of code transformation one does when introducing lambda. For 

     foo = map f xs
           where f x = blah


     foo = map (_ x = blah) xs

OK, so why not a serious proposal? Well first off, from a pedagogical 
perspective, we may not *want* to stress the similarity between the 
definition of a function and an expression which denotes one: this is a 
point of some confusion for newcomers, after all. Second, I imagine it 
could make parsing more difficult (although an *initial* underscore 
wouldn't otherwise come up in an expression context, right?).

Third (and this is probably the death-knell), the use of "_" and "=" 
would be especially confusing in cases where an abstraction appears 
immediately on the RHS of a definition, or where one of the parameter 
patterns was itself an underscore. Or (and especially!) both; for 

     const = (_ x _ = x)     -- bleah!

or worse yet:

     const x = (_ _ = x)     -- yikes!

Now, such definitions don't come up much in actual production code, I 
suppose, but they do tend to come up in classrooms, where the basic 
ideas are being introduced, and confusion would be especially unwelcome 

Finally, and not least, this proposal would further distance Haskell's 
syntax from the original lambda notation: this is not only a sad thing 
in general, but it would also make lambda-based T-shirt & merchandise 
logos even more obscure than they are now :) .

   --  Fritz
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