[Haskell-cafe] interesting IO oriented code

robert dockins robdockins at fastmail.fm
Thu Mar 17 11:46:03 EST 2005

>>2) It is performant (mostly).  At least it outperforms other Haskell IO 
>>methods I have tried.  My 'wc' is about twice as fast as the current 
>>shootout version in informal tests (the shootout code is included in the 
>>repo).  My md5 can sum somewhere between 2-4Mb/Sec on my hardware.
> You know that http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/ is frozen, don't you?
> For a current version look at http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
> The current version is fast but ugly. There was some comitee work on
> Haskell mailing lists to make it prettier, but it didn't make to the
> shootout yet.

Thanks, I do have an old version; it wasn't on bagley.org, but I'm not 
sure exactly where I found it.  I'll compare against the newest version 
when I get home.

The reason I compared to the shootout program was to get a sense of how 
well the API I was developing stacked up against hand-optimized haskell. 
    So, even getting pretty close is a win as far as I'm concerned.

(... quick google ...) I just found Ian's md5 implementation.  I'll 
compare to that as well when I get a chance.

 > BTW, do we care about such benchmarks? I am going to have some spare
 > time and I could work on Haskell solutions a bit, but I'm not sure
 > it's worth the hassle.

I think they are interesting as an indication of where haskell and GHC 
in particular are weak.  If the techniques developed for optimizing 
shootout scripts can drive better optimizations or new, better 
libraries, I think that's worthwhile.  OTOH, nobody asks if perl golf 
(for example) is worthwhile, they just do it for kicks (as far as I can 

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