[Haskell-cafe] records proposals list

Keean Schupke k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Nov 22 06:15:32 EST 2005

My mistake, what you want is:

    (   mything .=. "something"
    .*. value .=. (27::Int)
    .*. logic .=. True
    .*. HNil )

Admittedly the label creation would benefit from some syntactic sugar to
reduce typing...


Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

>Hello Keean,
>Monday, November 21, 2005, 6:56:06 PM, you wrote:
>KS>     So you can do this now... with reasonable syntax, for example to
>KS> create an extensible record
>KS>     ("some thing" .*. (27 :: Int) .*. True .*. HNil)
>KS>     is a statically typed anonymous record.
>it is not record, but heterogenous list, in my feel. record must be
>indexed by field name, not by type name or position

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