[Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

Niklas Broberg niklas.broberg at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 11:08:28 EDT 2006

If you want the non-labelledness to be guaranteed by the type system,
you could combine a GADT with some type level hackery. Note the flags
to GHC - they're not that scary really. :-)

In the following I've used the notion of type level booleans (TBool)
to flag whether or not an expression could contain a label or not. A
term of type Exp TFalse is guaranteed to not contain any labels, a
term of type Exp TTrue is guaranteed *to* contain at least one label
somewhere in the tree, and a term Exp a could contain a label, but
doesn't have to.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances
-fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
module Exp where

data TTrue
data TFalse

class TBool a
instance TBool TTrue
instance TBool TFalse

class (TBool a, TBool b, TBool c) => Or a b c

instance Or TFalse TFalse TFalse
instance (TBool x, TBool y) => Or x y TTrue

data TBool l => Exp l where
 Num :: Int -> Exp TFalse
 Add :: Or a b c => Exp a -> Exp b -> Exp c
 Label :: String -> Exp a -> Exp TTrue

type SimpleExp = Exp TFalse

unlabel :: Exp a -> SimpleExp
unlabel n@(Num _) = n
unlabel (Add x y) = Add (unlabel x) (unlabel y)
unlabel (Label _ x) = unlabel x



On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <ostermann at informatik.tu-darmstadt.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
> but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
> variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> repeating the structure of the AST.
> I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> data Labelled a = L String a
> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
> because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
> is a type-level lambda.
> However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
> "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
> curry type constructors.
> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> function
> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
> that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
> So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
> Klaus
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