[Haskell-cafe] difference between type and newtype

Brian Hulley brianh at metamilk.com
Sat Aug 26 09:25:51 EDT 2006

Andrea Rossato wrote:
> this is what I'm trying to do, sort of: turn the code at the button
> into the do-notation.[1]
> module StateOutputMonad where

-- do notation only works with instances of Monad
import Control.Monad

> data Term = Con Int
>          | Add Term Term
>            deriving (Show)
> type MSO a = State -> (a, State, Output)

-- Use a newtype so you can declare it as a Monad

newtype MSO a = MSO (State -> (a, State, Output))

> type State = Int
> type Output = String
> formatLine :: Term -> Int -> Output
> formatLine t a = "eval (" ++ show t ++ ") <= " ++ show a ++ " - "
> mkMSO :: a -> MSO a
> mkMSO a = \s -> (a, s, "")
> bindMSO :: MSO a -> (a -> MSO b) -> MSO b
> bindMSO m f = \x ->
>             let (a, y, s1) = m x in
>             let (b, z, s2) = f a y in
>             (b, z, s1 ++ s2)
> combineMSO :: MSO a -> MSO b -> MSO b
> combineMSO m f = m `bindMSO` \_ -> f

--The above 3 functions are replaced by an instance decl
-- combineMSO (ie >>) is the same as the default method

instance Monad MSO where
    return a = MSO (\s -> (a, s, ""))

    (MSO m) >>= f = MSO $ \x ->
                                  let (a, y, s1) = m x in
                                  let MSO y_bz = f a in
                                  let (b, z, s2) = y_bz y in
                                  (b, z, s1 ++ s2)

-- Note the second let is needed to unwrap the newtype
-- Also note you don't need 3 separate let constructs - you could
-- just use one if you like

> incMSOstate :: MSO ()
> incMSOstate = \s -> ((), s + 1, "")

incMSOstate :: MSO ()
incMSOstate = MSO (\s -> ((), s + 1, ""))

> outMSO :: Output -> MSO ()
> outMSO = \x s -> ((),s, x)

-- We need to wrap the function returned by (outMSO x) as
-- a value of (new)type MSO hence:

outMSO :: Output -> MSO ()
outMSO x = MSO (\s -> ((),s, x))

-- You could also have written outMSO = \x -> MSO ... but it's
-- preferable to put the x on the lhs to avoid the dreaded
-- monomorphism restriction

> evalMSO :: Term -> MSO Int
> evalMSO (Con a) = incMSOstate `combineMSO`
>                  outMSO (formatLine (Con a) a) `combineMSO`
>                  mkMSO a
> evalMSO (Add t u) =  evalMSO t `bindMSO` \a ->
>                     evalMSO u `bindMSO` \b ->
>                     incMSOstate `combineMSO`
>                     outMSO (formatLine (Add t u) (a + b)) `combineMSO`
>                     mkMSO (a + b)

evalMSO :: Term -> MSO Int
evalMSO (Con a) = do
     outMSO (formatLine (Con a) a)
     return a

evalMSO (Add t u) = do
     a <- evalMSO t
     b <- evalMSO u
     outMSO (formatLine (Add t u) (a + b))
     return (a + b)

> -- To be tested with:
> -- evalMSO (Add (Con 6) (Add (Con 16) (Add (Con 20) (Con 12)))) 0

-- We need one more thing: a function to run the monad that's wrapped up
-- inside the MSO newtype:

runMSO :: MSO a -> State -> (a, State, Output)
runMSO (MSO f) s = f s

-- Tested with:
-- runMSO (evalMSO (Add (Con 6) (Add (Con 16) (Add (Con 20) (Con 12))))) 0

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


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