[Haskell-cafe] source code for haskell web server?

Tim Newsham newsham at lava.net
Wed Aug 30 13:44:57 EDT 2006

> Does anyone know where I could find the source code for the Haskell web 
> server described in the papers "Tackling the Awkward Squad" by SPJ and 
> "Writing High-Performance Server Applications in Haskell, Case Study: A 
> Haskell Web Server" by Simon Marlow?

I dug up an old copy of hws from the haskell CVS and a copy of hws-wp
from an old CVSweb and got both to build on modern ghc.  I'm using
HWS as my server and have a small page with the sources which include
my patches:


Feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions.

> Mike

Tim Newsham

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