[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to combine Error and IO monads?

Cat Dancer haskell-cafe at catdancer.ws
Thu Dec 7 13:53:25 EST 2006

On 12/7/06, apfelmus at quantentunnel.de <apfelmus at quantentunnel.de> wrote:
> Cat Dancer wrote:
> > I have a program that performs a series of IO operations, each which
> > can result in an error or a value.  If a step returns a value I
> > usually want to pass that value on to the next step, if I get an error
> > I want to do some error handling but usually want to skip the
> > remaining steps.
> > Thus I have a lot of functions with return types like IO (Either
> > String x), where x might be (), Integer, or some other useful value
> > type, and a lot of case statements like
> You are on the right track. The point is that (IO (Either String a)) is
> a Monad, too. This allows you to write the ever repeating case
> statements once and forall:
>    newtype ErrorIO a = ErrorIO (IO (Either String a))
>    instance Monad ErrorIO where
>        return x = return (Right x)
>        f >>= g  = do
>            ex <- f
>            case ex of
>                e@(Left _) -> return e
>                Right x    -> g x
> It happens that you can parametrize this on IO:
>    newtype ErrorT m a = ErrorT (m (Either String a))
>    type    ErrorIO a  = ErrorT IO a
>    instance Monad m => Monad (ErrorT m) where ... -- same as above
> And you just rediscovered monad transformers.

I think I need to explain how thoroughly clueless I am :)

I'm sure from a single example I could understand what was going on
and elaborate from there.

Let's say I want to get a line from the user, and either return an
integer or an error string using ErrorT.

  import Control.Monad.Error
  import Control.Monad.Trans

  foo :: ??
  foo = do  -- something like this?
    a <- getLine
    if length a == 1
      then return 123
      else throwError "not a single character"

  main = do
    r <- ?? foo ??
    print r -- prints Left "not a single character" or Right 123 ?

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