[Haskell-cafe] Guess what ... Tutorial uploaded! :)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 06:32:56 EST 2006

On 1/22/06, Dmitry Astapov <dastapov at gmail.com> wrote:
> Recend thread "Tutorial upload" reminded me of my intentions to write
> haskell tutorial which I suppresend from the times when Hal Daume
> began to write YAHT. Unusually low temperature here (-22C) freed me a
> lot of time this weekend, and the result it here:
> http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/HitchhickersGuideToTheHaskell
> This is a work in progress, plus I'm trying it on C++/Java folk around
> me, so it's bound to be heavily corrected, but main direction could
> already be seen (I hope). If you want - jump on the wagon, and provide
> me with (constructive) criticism, edits on hawiki or anything else you
> see fit.

I like the approach - using real tools to perform sensible tasks. I'm
not a real newbie any more (but hardly an expert!) so I can't really
comment on whether the approach is OK for someone who's never tried
Haskell before, but it looks good to me.

As a specific example, I haven't used Parsec much, and the section on
that is just right - enough details for me to see how I use it, but no
more than that, so I'm encouraged to go and look at the manuals if I
need any extra.

Keep up the good work! (I won't wish any more -22C weather on you, but
I hope you find time to keep going).

Some other sample tasks might be a web service, and database access.
Neither is trivial in Haskell, due to the need to search out the right
libraries, but both are very common real-life jobs.


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