[Haskell-cafe] Re: ghc does not want to link statically

Joel Reymont joelr1 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 17:25:09 EDT 2006

Please disregard the question. There's an opportunity to statically  
link the library at an earlier build step. There seems to be no way  
to link in static libraries when using ghc --make as the dynamic  
linker (ghci) is being used.

On Jul 1, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Joel Reymont wrote:

> Folks,
> I'm trying to compile the Haskell Objective-C Binding (HOC) and it  
> needs /usr/lib/libSystemStubs.a to find the missing _fprintf 
> $LDBLStub symbol.
> I tried the following in the make file
> FOUNDATION_LIBS=-static -lSystemStubs -l dynamic -framework Foundation
> but ghc still tries to link libSystemStubs.a dynamically. How do I  
> fix this?


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