[Haskell-cafe] EclipseFP (Haskell IDE) 0.10.0 released

Bulat Ziganshin bulat.ziganshin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 02:19:06 EDT 2006

Hello Thiago,

Monday, July 3, 2006, 5:52:06 AM, you wrote:
>> can you please describe that "code assistance" means?
> You may know it as code completion, completion assistance or code


> You could try with EclipseFP, just hit Ctrl-Space.

i still downloading Eclipse in order to try your plugin. You've asked
about features we want to see in the IDE. Here's my own list, more or
less in priorities order:

- background compilation with errors highlighting
- integration with WinHugs
- syntax highlighting, including highlighting of bracket's pair
- ability to "fall in" definition of identifier under cursor,
including multi-level ability to return back (with support for base
libraries, libraries i installed and current project)
- fast access to help about identifier
- auto-deriving of type signatures for global identifiers (adding
signatures, that compiler will infer, to the source file)
- automatic management of import lists
- one-key inclusion/exclusion of items in module export list
- project management based on Cabal file
- auto-indenting with user-tuned style

Are you use GHC library? In the paper
"Visual Haskell: A full-featured Haskell development environment"
Simon Marlow described how this library can be used to enhance Haskell
support in IDE

Best regards,
 Bulat                            mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at gmail.com

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