[Haskell-cafe] Re: Editors for Haskell

Thiago Arrais thiago.arrais at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 15:07:07 EDT 2006


On 6/8/06, Imam Tashdid ul Alam <uchchwhash at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   - about formatted error messages (I am sure you guys
> don't care), could someone build a light GHC front end
> that given a .hs/.lhs file produces two XML files with
> specified DTD, the parsed structure and the error
> messages?

I would really appreciate that. I am the one maintaining EclipseFP now
and I know that having the syntax-tree in XML format would help us a
lot. For now, we use our own Haskell parser (written in Java). It is
not a full parser (and maybe it'll never be), but it allows us to do
some tricks like showing a simple code outline and do some code

Maybe this isn't as much work as structuring the error messages.


Thiago Arrais

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