[Haskell-cafe] Type class hell

Brandon Moore brandonm at yahoo-inc.com
Thu Jun 8 17:04:17 EDT 2006

I don't quite understand the problem, but maybe an example involving an 
explicit recursion operator will help.

class Foo a where
   foo :: a

instance Foo a => Foo (Maybe a) where
   foo = Just foo

data Rec f = In (f (Rec f))

instance Foo (f (Rec f)) => Foo (Rec f) where
   foo = In foo

compile with -fglasgow-exts and -fallow-undecidable-instances,
and Rec Maybe will be an instance of Foo.

I can't find the discussion, but if I recall correctly, ghc was extended
as a result to allow regular instance deriviations rather than just
finite one. I think Simon Peyton-Jones said it just required switching
two lines.


Christophe Poucet wrote:
> I'm not certain but I think this will still fail for exactly the piece 
> that you ignored, which is the crux of the problem.
> On 6/8/06, *Greg Buchholz* < haskell at sleepingsquirrel.org 
> <mailto:haskell at sleepingsquirrel.org>> wrote:
>     Christophe Poucet wrote:
>      > The idea however is that MonoType is going to be used in a recursive
>      > way. For instance:
>      >
>      > newtype FMT = FMT MonoType FMT
>      >
>      > instance FMT where...
>         Er, I'll ignore this part.
>      >
>      > And this definition will have to reside on recursive definitions.
>     In the
>      > style of how HasVars was instantiated:
>      >
>      > instance HasVars a => HasVars (MonoType a) where
>      > freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
>      > freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = nub . concatMap freeVars $ xs
>      > occurs x (TyVar y) = x == y
>      > occurs x (TyConst _ xs) = or . map (occurs x) $ xs
>      >
>      > So for Type
>      >
>      > instance Type a => Type (MonoType a) where
>      > ...
>      >
>      > That's where it becomes rather troublesome.
>         Yeah, after a certain point of complexity with type classes, it
>     starts to look like C++ templates.  How about something like...
>     {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
>     {-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
>     import List
>     type Var = String
>     type Const = String
>     data MonoType mt = TyVar Var
>                      | TyConst Const [mt] deriving (Eq, Show)
>     data PolyType mt = TyPoly [Var] mt deriving (Show)
>     class Type a b where
>         toType   ::   b -> a b
>         fromType :: a b -> b
>         freeVars :: a b -> [Var]
>         occurs   :: Var -> a b -> Bool
>     data Nil = Nil
>     instance Type MonoType Nil where
>         freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
>         freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = ["???"]
>     instance (Type a b) => Type MonoType (a b) where
>         freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
>         freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = nub . concatMap freeVars $ xs
>         occurs x (TyVar y) = x == y
>         occurs x (TyConst _ xs) = or . map (occurs x) $ xs
>     main = print $ freeVars $
>                     TyConst "foo" [TyConst "bar"  [Nil],
>                                    TyConst "baz"  [Nil],
>                                    TyVar   "quux"      ]
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