[Haskell-cafe] Haskell RPC

Joel Reymont joelr1 at gmail.com
Thu May 25 14:00:03 EDT 2006


I'm curious about how the following bit of Lisp code would translate  
to Haskell. This is my implementation of Lisp RPC and it basically  
sends strings around, printed "readably" and read on the other end by  
the Lisp reader. If I have a list '(1 2) it prints as "(1 2)" and  
becomes '(1 2) again when read on the other end.

I'm wrote a couple of macros to make the job of defining the RPC  
easier. def-remote-class defines the main (server) class as well as  
the client (proxy) class.

def-remote-method creates the server method as well as a proxy method  
that sends data over and possibly waits for results and returns them  
(depending on the :async or :sync qualifier). My Lisp RPC code runs  
on top of UDP, looks good and works well. I have a soft spot for  
Haskell in my heart, though, so I wonder how I would go about  
implementing the same architecture in Haskell.

This is an example from my test harness:

(define-test remote-basic
   (def-remote-class remote (server) ())
   (def-remote-method sum :sync ((self remote) (a fixnum) (b integer))
                      (declare (ignorable ip port))
                      (+ a b seqnum))
   (let* ((port (+ 1000 (random 50000)))
          (server (make-instance 'remote
                                 :port port))
          (client (make-instance 'remote-proxy
                                 :host (host-address)
                                 :port port)))
     (assert-equal '(6) (sum client 1 2 :seqnum 3))
     (stop server)
     (stop client)

I think I can send Haskell code over the wire to be read on the other  
side just like I do with Lisp. The part that baffles me is being able  
to provide an interface that lets one easily define remote classes  
and methods.

I totally hate Template Haskell because I find it incomprehensible  
and I'm not going to compare it to Lisp macros. Is there a way to do  
it without TH?

Also, it seems to me that the only way to deal with variable numbers  
of differently typed arguments is to use the HList approach which is  
quite heavy machinery, IMO.

Any suggestions?

	Thanks, Joel

P.S. The Haskell Cafe has been a bit quiet lately so I do mean to  
stir it up some. I think this example shows the advantage of  
dynamically-typed languages.  I'm also genuinely interested in  
possible Haskell solutions.


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