Parsing integers [was: Re: [Haskell-cafe] help]

Tim Chevalier catamorphism at
Sun Dec 9 16:07:23 EST 2007

On 12/9/07, Ryan Bloor <ryanbloor at> wrote:
> hi
> I have a function parseInt... which needs an error guard for when the input
> is not an Int.
> parseInt :: Parser
> parseInt [] = []
> parseInt xs = let (digits, rest) = span isDigit (removeSpace xs)
>                 in [(EInt (read digits), removeSpace rest)]
> Also... I have a function that does this... parseBinaryOp "+" "(5 + 2) if"
>    gives...[(Int 5, Int 2, "if")]
> so, op is '+' or "&&". I am unsure of how to begin...
> parseBinaryOp :: String -> String -> [(Expr, Expr, String)]
> parseBinaryOp op str

Check out:

If this isn't homework, try posting again and phrasing your question
in the form of a question; saying "I am unsure of how to begin"
doesn't help us help you think about the problem.


Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
"[Teaching children to read] will make America what we want it to be,
a literate country and a hopefuller country." -- George W. Bush

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