[Haskell-cafe] Before

Jonathan Cast jcast at ou.edu
Mon Jul 2 17:48:21 EDT 2007

On Monday 02 July 2007, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> What were monads like before they became a Haskell language construct?
> Is Haskell's idea of a "monad" actually anywhere close to the original
> mathematical formalism?
> Just being randomly curiose...

Curiosity can be a dangerous thing . . .

Short answer: they're equivalent, or rather, Haskell monads are equivalent to 
what Haskellers would naturally write when translating mathematical monads 
into Haskell.  If you really want to know the details (it's a fascinating 
subject once you start understanding it), go read a couple or three good 
books on category theory; I'm sure someone else here can give you a better 
reading list than I can off the top of my head.  Building up to the idea of a 
monad in category theory, with proper examples and whatnot, requires a full 
textbook; in particular, /Toposes, Triples, and Theories/, where I learned 
the concept and which wants to actually do something interesting with them, 
is required to compress the categorical preliminaries to a point where I 
needed constant reference to other books just to understand the basic 
concepts.  Nevertheless, if you really want the high points:

Monads come from a branch of abstract mathematics called /category theory/, 
which was invented, originally, to provide a mathematical characterization of 
polymorphic functions (or, rather, of the uniform nature of certain 
functions, which FPers would characterize as a form of polymorphism).  A 
category is a 6-tuple

(objects, arrows, domain, codomain, id, compose)

where objects and arrrows are arbitrary classes, domain and codomain are 
mappings from arrows to objects, id is a mapping from objects to arrows such 

domain (id alpha) = alpha
codomain (id alpha) = alpha

and compose is an associative partial binary operator on arrows with the 
images of id as units, such that compose f g is defined whenever domain f = 
codomain g, and

domain (compose f g) = domain g
codomain (compose f g) = codomain f

Following standard practice, I will write

f : alpha -> beta


domain f = alpha
codomain f = beta

and f . g for compose f g.  (Standard practice in category theory is I believe 
to write composition as juxtaposition (like application in Haskell, but 
associative), but I'm not going that far to make the notation look more 

Given that A and B are categories, a /functor/ F from A to B is a pair of 
mappings (F_objects, F_arrows) (both generally written F in practice) from 
objects of A to objects of B and arrows of A to arrows of B, respectively, 
such that

domain (F a) = F (domain a)
codomain (F a) = F (codomain a)
compose (F a) (F b) = F (compose a b)
id (F a) = F (id a)

Given two functors, F, G : A -> B, a natural transformation h : F -> G is a 
mapping h from objects of A to arrows of B such that

h alpha : F alpha -> G alpha
h beta . F f = F f . h alpha (forall f : alpha -> beta)

Given a category C, a monad in C is a triple (F, eta, mu) of a functor F : 
C -> C, a natural transformation eta : Id -> F, where Id is the identity 
functor, and a natural transformation mu : F . F -> F, where composition of 
functors is defined component-wise, satisfying the additional laws

mu . F mu = mu . mu
mu . eta = id = mu . F eta

When translating category theory into Haskell, objects are taken to be types 
and arrows functions; domain, codomain, id, and compose are defined the way 
you would expect.  A functor is represented by class Functor in the standard 
prelude; an instance consists of a data type constructor F, which is the only 
mapping on types supported by Haskell, and a function

fmap :: (alpha -> beta) -> (F alpha -> F beta)

(remember currying!) corresponding to the arrow map.  A natural transformation 
is a polymorphic function f :: F alpha -> G alpha such that

fmap g . f = f . fmap g

for all functions g.  This is (at least sometimes) provable for arbitrary 
polymorphic functions (as long as they don't use seq!), but I'm not sure of 
the details of this.  At any rate, doing so isn't certainly isn't necessary.

Translating the definition of a monad into Haskell using this terminology 
would give us

class Functor m => Monad m where
  return :: alpha -> m alpha
  join :: m (m alpha) -> m alpha

(join, by the way, is one of the most under-appreciated of Haskell library 
functions; learning it is necessary both for true mastery of Haskell monads).  
The complete collection of class laws (including the natural transformation 
laws) is

fmap g . return = return . g
fmap g . join = join . fmap (fmap g)
join . fmap join = join . join
join . return = id = join . fmap return

(Note the essential similarity of these laws to those given above).

Haskell, of course, actually gives us

class Monad m where
  return :: alpha -> m alpha
  (>>=) :: m alpha -> (alpha -> m beta) -> m beta

The relationship between these two signatures is given by the set of equations

fmap f a = a >>= return . f
join a = a >>= id
a >>= f = join (fmap f a)

and the monad laws in Haskell are

return x >>= f = f x
a >>= return = a
(a >>= f) >>= g = a >>= \ x -> f x >>= g

We can take the relationship given above as definitional, in either direction, 
and derive the appropriate set of laws.  Taking fmap and join as primitive, 
we get

  return x >>= f
= join (fmap f (return x))
= join (return (f x))
= f x

  a >>= return
= join (fmap return a)
= a

  (a >>= f) >>= g
= join (fmap g (join (fmap f a)))
= join (join (fmap (fmap g) (fmap f a)))
= join (fmap join (fmap (fmap g) (fmap f a)))
= join (fmap (join . fmap g . f) a)
= a >>= join . fmap g . f
= a >>= \ x -> join (fmap g (f x))
= a >>= \ x -> f x >>= g

Taking (>>=) as primitive, we get

  fmap f (return x)
= return x >>= return . f
= return (f x)

  fmap f (join a)
= (a >>= id) >>= return . f
= a >>= \ x -> id x >>= return . f
= a >>= \ x -> x >>= return . f
= a >>= fmap f
= a >>= \ x -> id (fmap f x)
= a >>= \ x -> return (fmap f x) >>= id
= (a >>= return . fmap f) >>= id
= join (fmap (fmap f) a)

  join (join a)
= (a >>= id) >>= id
= a >>= \ x -> x >>= id
= a >>= \ x -> join x
= a >>= \ x -> return (join x) >>= id
= (a >>= return . join) >>= id
= join (fmap join a)

  join (return a)
= return a >>= id
= id a
= a

  join (fmap return a)
= (a >>= return . return) >>= id
= a >>= \ x -> return (return x) >>= id
= a >>= \ x -> return x
= a >>= return
= a

This is less general than the category theory version, and seq creates 
problems with some of these equations (or at least with proving that any of 
them hold for real programs!), but using the normal methods of Haskell 
equational reasoning (assume all values are total and finite, all functions 
preserve totality and finiteness, and the context preserves totality and 
finiteness, and using = on functions to mean equality on total and finite 
arguments), it works; Haskell monads are just an alternative formulation for 
a (not-quite-semantics-preseving) transliteration of category theory monads 
into the Haskell setting.

Jonathan Cast

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