[Haskell-cafe] Playing with delimited continuations

Dan Doel dan.doel at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 04:13:33 EDT 2007


My interest was recently caught reading some of Oleg Kiselyov's material on 
delimited continuations, and so I decided to look into them a little closer. 
Don Stewart also mentioned in passing on #haskell that'd it'd be nice to have 
support for delimited continuations either in the standard library, or in 
some other easily installable package. So, I thought I'd see what such a 
beast might look like, and dug up the Dybvig, Petyon-Jones, Sabry paper[1] on 
the subject that I'd read long ago, but probably not understood much. :)

After a day or so of hacking, I have (what I think is) a proper implementation 
of the monad and transformer, along with a suitable typeclass, and instances 
for the various transformers in the MTL. However, I have by no means tested 
it extensively (as I don't have a lot of ideas off hand for monad stacks 
involving delimited continuations), and I'm not totally thrilled with the 
results I have, so I thought I'd ask for advice/commentary here. Code is 

First, I guess, should come an example of code using the delimited 

> pop = do (h:t) <- get
>          put t
>          return h

> abortP p e = withSubCont p (\_ -> e)

> loop 0 _ = return 1
> loop n p = do i <- pop
>               if i == 0
>                 then abortP p (return 0)
>                 else do r <- loop (n-1) p
>                         return (i*r)

> test1 n l = runDelCont
>               (runStateT (newPrompt >>= \p -> 
>                  pushPrompt p (loop n p)) l)  

> test2 n l = runState 
>               (runDelContT (newPrompt >>= \p ->
>                  pushPrompt p (loop n p))) l  

So, loop finds the product of the first n numbers stored in a list in the 
state, but aborts immediately if it sees a 0. test1 and test2 stack the 
monads in the opposite order, but the results are the same in this case (it 
isn't a very sophisticated example).

Another example, from the paper, is that you can think of normal continuations 
as delimited continuations with a global prompt p0 that denotes the end of 
the computation. You can emulate this using the reader monad to store the 

> type Continue r b a = ReaderT (Prompt.Prompt r b) (DelCont r) a

> runContinue :: (forall r. Continue r b b) -> b
> runContinue ct = runDelCont (newPrompt >>= \p -> 
>                      pushPrompt p (runReaderT ct p)) 

> callCC' f = withCont (\k -> pushSubCont k (f (reify k)))
>  where
>  reify k v = abort (pushSubCont k (return v))
>  abort e = withCont (\_ -> e)
>  withCont e = ask >>= \p -> withSubCont p (\k -> pushPrompt p (e k))

> loop2 l = callCC' (\k -> loop' k l 1)
>  where
>  loop' _ [] n = return (show n)
>  loop' k (0:_) _ = k "The answer must be 0."
>  loop' k (i:t) n = loop' k t (i*n)

So, the loop computes the product of a list of numbers, returning a string 
representation thereof, but aborts with a different message if it sees 0. 
Again, nothing special, but it seems to work.

However, this is where I started to run into some uglines that followed from 
my design choices. Most flows from the typeclass:

  class (Monad m) => MonadDelCont p s m | m -> p s where
      newPrompt   :: m (p a)
      pushPrompt  :: p a -> m a -> m a
      withSubCont :: p b -> (s a b -> m b) -> m a
      pushSubCont :: s a b -> m a -> m b

So, 'm' is the delimited control monad in question, 'p' is the type of prompts 
associated with said monad, and 's' is the associated type of 
subcontinuations that take an 'a', and produce a 'b'. Those four functions 
are the generalizations of the four control operators from the paper. The 
crux of the matter is the way the prompts and subcontinuations are typed. A 
prompt 'p a' can have values of type 'a' returned through it, which is fine 
in the vanilla DelCont monad. However, in a monad transformed by a StateT, a 
computation 'm a' isn't returning an 'a' through the prompt. It's actually 
returning an '(a,s)', due to the state threading. And the same is an issue 
with the subcontinuation. So, I came up with a couple wrappers:

  newtype PairedPrompt s p a = PP { unPP :: p (a, s) }
  newtype PairedSubCont s k a b = PSC { unPSC :: k (a, s) (b, s) }

And then you can declare instances like so:

  instance (MonadDelCont p s m) =>
    MonadDelCont (PairedPrompt t p) (PairedSubCont t s) (StateT t m) where ...

Where the declarations not only lift the delimited control actions, but wrap 
and unwrap the prompts and subcontinuations appropriately. However, this has 
two issues:

1) It seems kind of kludgy at first glance, although maybe that's just me.

2) It doesn't always work correctly. Consider the following code:

> loop3 l = callCC' (\k -> loop' k l 1)
>  where
>  loop' _ []    n = return n
>  loop' k (0:_) _ = k 0
>  loop' k (i:t) n = tell [n] >> loop' k t (i*n)

It does almost the same thing as loop2, only it has some writer output, too. 
And we'd like to write:

> test3 l = runContinue (runWriterT (loop3 l))

but we can't, because that's a type error, because the prompt is created 
outside of runWriterT, where it will have type 'Prompt r (a, w)', but used 
inside runWriterT, where it needs to have type 'PairedPrompt w (Prompt r) a'. 
Instead, we have to write:

> test3 l = runDelCont
>             (runReaderT
>                 (runWriterT 
>                     (newPrompt >>= \p -> 
>                         pushPrompt p (local (const p) $ loop3 l))) 
>                    undefined) 

So that the prompt is created and used in the same monadic context. This is 
hardly ideal.

So, I suppose my first question is if anyone can see a better way of 
generalizing the types of the control operators to work with the arbitrarily 
nested monad stacks typically used in MTL. Nothing's come to my mind 
immediately, but I've stopped thinking about it very hard for the time being, 
and I'm sure there are people here who are much better acquainted with the 
theory of this sort of thing than I am.

I suppose my other issues have to do with the original implementation itself, 
although I don't really feel very qualified to criticize it, and I can see 
why all the things were done the way that they were...

First, the prompt module needs to use unsafeCoerce, or something equivalent. 
Prompts are, internally, just Ints, but they have a phantom type (I think 
that's the right term) denoting the type of value that can be returned 
through them. Then we eventually want to split the call stack using a prompt 
of type 'Prompt r a', but there be many prompts on the stack, which will have 
type 'Prompt r b' for some b (and the actual type of b is forgotten by the 
stack, I believe, as it's an existential type). However, since the internal 
Ints are unique identifiers, when we find that the identifiers match, 'a' 
and 'b' must be the same. So, the implementation uses unsafeCoerce to forge 
evidence that they are.

But, of course, unsafeCoerce feels dirty to me, and it'd be nice if some cool 
type system hackery could be used instead of going around the type system. 
But I've really no idea whether there's any substitute for unsafeCoerce here, 
so I thought I'd ask some of the experts here.

Second is a minor point. There's a sequence datatype in the paper that 
represents the delimited stack:

> data Seq s r a b ...

Which represents a sequence of frames that take a value of type 'a' to a value 
of type 'b'. The paper mentions that the empty constructor should have 
type 'Seq s r a a', but that it's impossible to do that, so they instead have 
it take a function that provides evidence of the equivalence between a and b, 
using 'id' and a smart constructor to have the same effect. But, with GADTs, 
it's now possible to have a constructor with the right type directly, so I 
did that in my implementation.

However, after saying that in the paper, they go on to use the empty 
constructor with the coerced evidence functions produced above to produce 
empty sequences of type 'Seq s r a b' where we have some evidence that 'a' 
and 'b' are the same. So, using the GADT approach, where in the original 
paper there'd be a single EmptyS constructor, there is now required an extra 
coercion constructor on top of it in most cases where empty sequences are 
used. So, I suppose my second question is whether there is any sense in 
restricting the type to 'Seq s r a a' at all, since it just seems to require 
extra baggage? I suppose this might tie in with the above question, as the 
coercions of types Haskell's type system can't prove equal are what's being 

Third, just as a general question, is the paper I'm using the most definitive 
and recent on the subject of implementing delimited continuations in Haskell? 
I did some quick google searches, but nothing much turned up besides this 
paper, and some papers using the implementation in examples of using 
delimited continuations. It's also the implementation Oleg uses in his recent 
zipper file system, so I assume there haven't been any particularly radical 
developments since it was written (which wasn't that long ago, I suppose).

Anyhow, I'd appreciate any discussion or thoughts anyone had on the above, or 
on delimited continuations in haskell in general, as it's a topic that's 
interested me lately. The attached code is certainly in no shape to be put in 
a library yet, but perhaps if the issues above can be fixed, or it's decided 
that they don't matter, it could pave the way.

Apologies for the length, and I hope I'm posting to the right place (this 
didn't seem formal enough for haskell at ...).

Dan Doel

[1]: http://research.microsoft.com/Users/simonpj/papers/control/control.pdf
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