[Haskell-cafe] Re: Handling custom types in Takusen

Benjamin Franksen benjamin.franksen at bessy.de
Fri Jul 27 13:56:05 EDT 2007

Salvatore Insalaco wrote:
> I noticed that in Takusen there're just two instances to implement to
> make any Haskell type db-serializable: DBBind / SqliteBind for
> serialization and DBType for deserialization.

FWIW, I have two patches lying around (attached) that I wanted to send to
the Takusen maintainers anyway. They (the patches) implement (only)
instance DBType Data.ByteString for Oracle and Sqlite backends. They are
rudimentarily tested ("hey, seems to work!"), anyway a review might be in
order because I am not sure I understand the internals good enough -- for
all I know I might have introduced space leaks or whatnot.

-------------- next part --------------

New patches:

[added ByteString support to Database/Oracle
benjamin.franksen at bessy.de**20070714222517] {
hunk ./Database/Oracle/Enumerator.lhs 41
+> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

hunk ./Database/Oracle/Enumerator.lhs 948
+> bufferToByteString :: ColumnBuffer -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)

+> bufferToByteString buffer = OCI.bufferToByteString (undefined, colBufBufferFPtr buffer, colBufNullFPtr buffer, colBufSizeFPtr buffer)


hunk ./Database/Oracle/Enumerator.lhs 1010
+> instance DBType (Maybe B.ByteString) Query ColumnBuffer where

+>   allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q (16000, oci_SQLT_CHR) n

+>   fetchCol q buffer = bufferToByteString buffer


hunk ./Database/Oracle/OCIFunctions.lhs 39
+> import qualified Data.ByteString.Base as B

hunk ./Database/Oracle/OCIFunctions.lhs 676

+> bufferToByteString :: ColumnInfo -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)

+> bufferToByteString (_, bufFPtr, nullFPtr, sizeFPtr) =

+>   withForeignPtr nullFPtr $ \nullIndPtr -> do

+>     nullInd <- liftM cShort2Int (peek nullIndPtr)

+>     if (nullInd == -1)  -- -1 == null, 0 == value

+>       then return Nothing

+>       else do

+>         -- Given a column buffer, extract a string of variable length

+>         withForeignPtr bufFPtr $ \bufferPtr ->

+>           withForeignPtr sizeFPtr $ \retSizePtr -> do

+>             retsize <- liftM cUShort2Int (peek retSizePtr)

+>             --create :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> IO ByteString

+>             val <- B.create retsize (\p -> copyBytes (castPtr p) bufferPtr retsize)

+>             return (Just val)


[added ByteString support to Database/Sqlite
Ben Franksen <benjamin.franksen at bessy.de>**20070714230837] {
hunk ./Database/Sqlite/Enumerator.lhs 38
+> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

hunk ./Database/Sqlite/Enumerator.lhs 366
+> bufferToByteString query buffer =

+>   DBAPI.colValByteString (stmtHandle (queryStmt query)) (colPos buffer)


hunk ./Database/Sqlite/Enumerator.lhs 414
+> instance DBType (Maybe B.ByteString) Query ColumnBuffer where

+>   allocBufferFor _ q n = allocBuffer q n

+>   fetchCol q buffer = bufferToByteString q buffer


hunk ./Database/Sqlite/SqliteFunctions.lhs 22
+> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

hunk ./Database/Sqlite/SqliteFunctions.lhs 278

+> colValByteString :: StmtHandle -> Int -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)

+> colValByteString stmt colnum = do

+>   cstrptr <- sqliteColumnText stmt (fromIntegral (colnum - 1))

+>   if cstrptr == nullPtr

+>     then return Nothing

+>     else do

+>       str <- B.copyCString cstrptr

+>       return (Just str)



[added Functor and MonadFix instances to DBM
Ben Franksen <benjamin.franksen at bessy.de>**20070714112112] 
[TAG 0.6
oleg at okmij.org**20070202102428] 
Patch bundle hash:

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