[Haskell-cafe] compiler implementation details

José Miguel Vilaça jmvilaca at di.uminho.pt
Tue Jun 5 06:37:03 EDT 2007



I’m curious about how the Haskell compilers nowadays take care of a simple
function definition like append


append [] l = l

append (h:t) l = h: (append t l)



Do they take a rewriting way like


append [1,2] [3,4]   ==> 1: (append [2] [3,4])

                             ==> 1: (2 : (append [] [3,4]) )

                             ==> 1 : (2: [3,4])

                             ==> [1,2,3,4]


Or do they converte the append definintion to some lambda-calculus flavour


append = Y (\f -> \l1 l2 -> case l1 of  

                                         [] -> l2

                                         (h:t) -> h: (f t l2))


And then apply this converted definition to the arguments?




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