[Haskell-cafe] splitting strings

h. h._h._h._ at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 1 07:02:57 EST 2007


I wrote the following split function for Strings:

splitS :: String -> String -> [String]
splitS a b = splitA a b
    z = length b - 1
    splitA []     _      = [""]
    splitA (c:cs) (d:ds) | c == d && fst s == ds = "" : splitA (snd s) b
                         | otherwise = (c : head r) : tail r
        r = splitA cs b
        s = splitAt z cs

example:  splitS "Test;Hello;+123.5;+ 7" ";+" -> ["Test;Hallo","123.5"," 7"]

How could it be optimized on speed?
Does there exist already an optimized split for the conventional String type?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

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