[Haskell-cafe] Re: auto-completion for Vim 7

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 14:58:59 EST 2007


> I tried that but I guess I was too impatient to figure out what exactly
> haddock wants (it seemed to choke on #ifdefs), so I just used the
> hoogle.txt from darcs and ran it through sed.

Haddock can't cope with #ifdef's, or .lhs files - haddock-ghc will be
able to (the next version), so hopefully soon you'll have less of a
problem. I just use runhaskell Setup haddocck --hoogle through Cabal,
and that handles preprocessing etc.

Of course, taking hoogle.txt gives you the same result (thats how I
got hoogle.txt) and less work :)



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