[Haskell-cafe] Any interested authors?

Antonio Cangiano acangiano at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 17:45:11 EST 2007

Dave Thomas (from The Pragmatic Programmers, not from Wendy's :)) has
announced an Erlang book
(http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/jaerlang/) in the Ruby
mailing list.
A few responses showed an interest in a similar book for Haskell. You
can see the thread here: http://tinyurl.com/2ecpsn.

Dave answered such requests by saying: "I'd love to do one. It's a
question of finding the right author.".

If you think this would be up your alley, perhaps you could contact
Dave in regards to this matter.

Just a heads up, from a potential reader. :)

Zen and the Art of Ruby Programming

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