[Haskell-cafe] Re: Safe forward-mode AD in Haskell?

Björn Buckwalter bjorn.buckwalter at gmail.com
Tue May 8 18:15:46 EDT 2007

Oops, that went to soon.

My intention was to ask for comments from those who know better than
I. These corners of the type system are pretty unknown to me but I am
trying to learn from e.g. Oleg's array branding[1].

Anyway, please rip my exposition apart and expose my sure-to-be flawed
logic and terminology. ;)


[1] http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/eliminating-array-bound-check.lhs

On 5/8/07, Björn Buckwalter <bjorn.buckwalter at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> = Introduction =
> In [1] Siskind and Pearlmutter expose the danger of "perturbation
> confusion" in forward-mode automatic differentiation. In particular
> they state:
>     "We discuss a potential problem with forward-mode AD common to
>     many AD systems, including all attempts to integrate a forward-mode
>     AD operator into Haskell."
> This literate Haskell message shows how, using a type system extension
> of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler[2] (GHC), we can statically guarantee
> that perturbation confusion does not occur.
> = Code =
> The below code closely follows the Haskell code in the appendices
> of [1]. It relies on GHC's arbitrary-rank polymorphism(?) extension
> to Haskell 98.
> > {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
> In our definition of the 'Bundle' data type we add the phantom type
> 's', which will be the key to disambiguating between different
> application of the 'd' operator.
> > data Bundle s a = Bundle a a
> > instance Num a => Show (Bundle s a) where
> >   showsPrec p (Bundle x x') = showsPrec p [x,x']
> > instance Num a => Eq (Bundle s a) where
> >   (Bundle x x') == (Bundle y y') = (x == y)
> > lift z = Bundle z 0
> > instance Num a => Num (Bundle s a) where
> >   (Bundle x x') + (Bundle y y') = Bundle (x + y) (x' + y')
> >   (Bundle x x') * (Bundle y y') = Bundle (x * y) (x * y' + x' * y)
> >   fromInteger z = lift (fromInteger z)
> > instance Fractional a => Fractional (Bundle s a) where
> >   fromRational z = lift (fromRational z)
> We provide a type signature for 'd' where we existentially quantify
> the phantom type 's' to prevent mixing of bundles from different
> 'd' operators.
> > d :: Num a => (forall s. Bundle s a -> Bundle s a) -> a -> a
> > d f x = let (Bundle y y') = f (Bundle x 1) in y'
> The extential quantification makes the definition
> ] constant_one' x = d (\y -> x + y) 1
> impossible since 'x' originates externally to the 'd' operator. GHC
> rejects the definition with a "Inferred type is less polymorphic
> than expected". In order to pass the compiler the definition must
> be changed to the corrected[1] version.
> > constant_one x = d (\y -> (lift x) + y) 1
> > should_be_one_a = d (\x -> x * (constant_one x)) 1
> > should_be_one_b = d (\x -> x * 1 ) 1
> > violation_of_referential_transparency = should_be_one_a /= should_be_one_b
> = References =
> [1] http://www.bcl.hamilton.ie/~qobi/nesting/papers/ifl2005.pdf
> [2] http://haskell.org/ghc/

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