[Haskell-cafe] global variables

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Fri May 18 09:58:35 EDT 2007

[I agree with your points, but...]

Adrian Hey wrote:

> I've pretty much convinced it's wrong. There should be one and only
> one "main" from which all subsequent IO activity derives. But creating
> internal state in the form of mutable data structures is not an IO
> activity. It just so happens that at the moment the only way to do this
> is newIORef :: a -> IO(IORef a), but this need not be so (readIORef and
> writeIORef are IO activities, but newIORef isn't).

I find this point rather slippery. 'newIORef' is a unique-name-provider, 
but 'unique over what'? When a module is imported twice, should it not 
create new unique names?

> Indeed they do, unfortunately. In fact it was this very problem that
> lead me to conclude the top level mutable state is not only not "evil",
> but is a necessity. Having to call explicit initialisation code is
> a big problem in complex systems. Exactly who is responsible for
> initialising what? and in what order?

Maybe I'm being old-fashioned here, but isn't that a *fundamental* 
problem, that can't be automatically solved? Isn't it just a fact that 
in a complex system you, the programmer, have to make some decisions 
about who is responsible for acquiring resources?

> If it's necessary that there is only one libWhateverState to preserve
> safety properties (because the state must be kept in sync with what's
> really being done to "the world", of which there is also only one) then
> what's the point of making it a parameter (the lib is not truly
> parameterisable by that state).

A slightly irrational point of concern in my mind is that by encouraging 
this practice, we encourage lazy library design. A large proportion of 
libraries in fact *can* be written as "reentrant" in this sense, and 
truly are parameterisable by their state.

Only a few are not: those which actually manage connections to some 
"real" entity which is in fact unique.

Of course that doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist.


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