[Haskell-cafe] Re: Guidance on using asynchronous exceptions

oleg at pobox.com oleg at pobox.com
Fri Nov 16 02:58:01 EST 2007

Yang wrote:
> Furthermore, is there any way to embed this information [about async
> execptions] in the type system, so that Haskellers don't produce
> async-exception-unaware code?  (Effectively, introducing checked
> interrupts?)

Yes, it is possible to make the information about exceptions and
interrupts a part of operation's type:

Here is a simple illustration for your specific case

> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
> module B where
> import Control.Exception
> idarn _ msg = error msg
> myPutStrLn _ | False = idarn ?e_async "myPutStrLn is interruptible"
> myPutStrLn x = putStrLn x

	*B> :t myPutStrLn
	myPutStrLn :: (?e_async::()) => String -> IO ()

Now it is obvious that myPutStrLn is subject to async interruptions

> test1 x = do myPutStrLn "String"
> 	       myPutStrLn x

	*B> :t test1
	test1 :: (?e_async::()) => String -> IO ()

and so can test1. The compiler figured that out.

> myblock :: ((?e_async::()) => IO a) -> IO a
> myblock x = let ?e_async = undefined -- meaning, we `handle' the exc
> 	      in block x

If we try to 
	*B> test1 "here"

	    Unbound implicit parameter (?e_async::())
	      arising from use of `test1' at <interactive>:1:0-11
	    In the expression: test1 "here"
	    In the definition of `it': it = test1 "here"

meaning that we ought to `handle' that exceptional condition. The
typechecker will not let us overlook the test.

> -- ?e_async::t causes a problem: we really have to `handle' it
> -- main = test1 "here"

> test3 = myblock (test1 "here")

	*B> :t test3
	test3 :: IO ()

The type of test3 shows that the condition is `handled'. And so test3
may now be run.

> (Something like this is straightforward to build if I abandon
> Concurrent Haskell and use cooperative threading, and if the
> operations I wanted to perform could be done asynchronously.)
All operations could be done asynchronously, at least on Linux and
many Unixes:


> (Something like this is straightforward to build if I abandon
> Concurrent Haskell and use cooperative threading, and if the
> operations I wanted to perform could be done asynchronously.)

That seems as a very good idea. You might be aware that well-respected
and well-experienced systems researchers call for *abandoning*
threads. Threads are just a very bad model.

The Problem with Threads
Edward A. Lee
Also, IEEE computer, May 2006, pp. 33-42.

>From the abstract:
``Although threads seem to be a small step from sequential computation,
in fact, they represent a huge step. They discard the most essential
and appealing properties of sequential computation: understandability,
predictability, and determinism. Threads, as a model of computation,
are wildly nondeterministic, and the job of the programmer becomes one
of pruning that nondeterminism. Although many research techniques
improve the model by offering more effective pruning, I argue that
this is approaching the problem backwards.  Rather than pruning
nondeterminism, we should build from essentially deterministic,
composable components. Nondeterminism should be explicitly and
judiciously introduced where needed, rather than removed where not
needed. The consequences of this principle are profound. I argue for
the development of concurrent coordination languages based on sound,
composable formalisms. I believe that such languages will yield much
more reliable, and more concurrent programs.''

I believe that delimited continuations is a good way to build
coordination languages, because delimited continuations let us build a
sound model of computation's interaction with its context.

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