[Haskell-cafe] Re: Suspected stupid Haskell Question

Thomas Hartman thomas.hartman at db.com
Thu Oct 18 10:59:01 EDT 2007

>  But I would expect intTable to be faster,

But if I understand correctly, intTable can only deal with integer keys, 
whereas BH's original question would have wanted string keys, and I can't 
see a way to convert string to int and back.


"Chad Scherrer" <chad.scherrer at gmail.com> 
10/17/2007 11:38 PM

Thomas Hartman/ext/dbcom at DBAmericas
haskell-cafe at haskell.org, haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org
Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Suspected stupid Haskell Question

Hmm, is insertWith' new? If I remember right, I think the stack overflows 
were happening because Map.insertWith isn't strict enough. Otherwise I 
think the code is the same. But I would expect intTable to be faster, 
since it uses IntMap, and there's no IntMap.insertWith' as of 6.6.1 
(though it may be easy enough to add one).


On 10/17/07, Thomas Hartman < thomas.hartman at db.com> wrote:

Since I'm interested in the stack overflow issue, and getting acquainted 
with quickcheck, I thought I would take this opportunity to compare your 
ordTable with some code Yitzchak Gale posted earlier, against Ham's 
original problem. 

As far as I can tell, they're the same. They work on lists up to 100000 
element lists of strings, but on 10^6 size lists I lose patience waiting 
for them to finish. 

Is there a more scientific way of figuring out if one version is better 
than the other by using, say profiling tools? 

Or by reasoning about the code? 



import Data.List 
import qualified Data.Map as M 
import Control.Arrow 
import Test.QuickCheck 
import Test.GenTestData 
import System.Random 

Is there a library function to take a list of Strings and return a list of 

ints showing how many times each String occurs in the list. 

So for example: 

["egg", "egg", "cheese"] would return [2,1] 

testYitzGale n = do 
  l <- rgenBndStrRow (10,10) (10^n,10^n)  -- 100000 strings, strings are 
10 chars long, works. craps out on 10^6. 
  m <- return $ freqFold l 
  putStrLn $ "map items: " ++ ( show $ M.size m ) 

testCScherer n = do 
  l <- rgenBndStrRow (10,10) (10^n,10^n)  -- same limitations as yitz gale 
  m <- return $ ordTable l 
  putStrLn $ "items: " ++ ( show $ length m ) 

-- slow for big lists 
--freqArr = Prelude.map ( last &&& length ) . group . sort 

-- yitz gale code. same as chad scherer code? it's simpler to understand, 
but is it as fast? 
freqFold :: [[Char]] -> M.Map [Char] Int 
freqFold = foldl' g M.empty 
  where g accum x = M.insertWith' (+) x 1 accum 
-- c scherer code. insists on ord. far as I can tell, same speed as yitz. 
ordTable :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [(a,Int)] 
ordTable xs = M.assocs $! foldl' f M.empty xs 
    where f m x = let  m' = M.insertWith (+) x 1 m 
                       Just v = M.lookup x m' 
                  in v `seq` m' 

l = ["egg","egg","cheese"] 

-- other quickcheck stuff 
--prop_unchanged_by_reverse = \l -> ( freqArr (l :: [[Char]]) ) == ( 
freqArr $ reverse l ) 
--prop_freqArr_eq_freqFold = \l -> ( freqArr (l :: [[Char]]) == (freqFold 
--test1 = quickCheck prop_unchanged_by_reverse 
--test2 = quickCheck prop_freqArr_eq_freqFold 

--------------- generate test data: 
genBndStrRow (minCols,maxCols) (minStrLen, maxStrLen) = rgen ( genBndLoL 
(minStrLen, maxStrLen) (minCols,maxCols) ) 

gen gen = do 
  sg <- newStdGen 
  return $ generate 10000 sg gen 

-- generator for a list with length between min and max 
genBndList :: Arbitrary a => (Int, Int) -> Gen [a] 
genBndList (min,max) = do 
  len <- choose (min,max) 
  vector len 

-- lists of lists 
--genBndLoL :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Gen [[a]] 
genBndLoL (min1,max1) (min2,max2) = do 
  len1 <- choose (min1,max1) 
  len2 <- choose (min2,max2) 
  vec2 len1 len2 

--vec2 :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Int -> Gen [[a]] 
vec2 n m = sequence [ vector m | i <- [1..n] ] 


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