[Haskell-cafe] Trying to build a stand-alone executable GLUT app with ghc, Windows XP

Jefferson Heard jefferson.r.heard at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 22:23:58 EDT 2008

Google "download glut32.dll" and pull that file down and put it in the
directory with your executable.  I'd attach it myself, but gmail won't let
me.  I use that all the time, though.

2008/4/25 Peter Schmitz <ps.haskell at gmail.com>:

> Problem summary
> Trying to build a stand-alone executable GLUT app with ghc, Windows XP
> Problem description
> I compile and link (without errors) a simple GLUT application under Windows
> XP.
> When I run it, XP pops an error window saying the app cannot start due to a
> missing "glut32.dll".
> I want to do a static build to create a stand-alone executable GLUT app
> under Windows XP,
> without using DLL files, or placing any files in the Windows system dir.
> This is my first GUI code in Haskell, and I chose GLUT because it is a
> standard library.
> Following are some details.
> Thanks much for any advice.
> Source code
> -- Simple GLUT app to create a window
> module Main(main) where
> import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
> import Graphics.UI.GLUT
> main = do
>    (progname, _) <- getArgsAndInitialize
>    createWindow "Hello World"
>    mainLoop
>  Compile/run Environment
> ghc-6.8.2 on a USB flashdrive under a non-admin Windows XP account
> ghc dir is not on C:
> E:\apps\ghc\ghc-6.8.2
> XP shell used: cmd.exe
> shell path
> E:\ghcTest>path
> PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;E:\apps\ghc\ghc-6.8.2\bin;.\
> ghc library path
> E:\ghcTest>ghc --print-libdir
> E:/apps/ghc/ghc-6.8.2
> compile/link output
> E:\ghcTest>ghc --make x  -package GLUT
> [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( x.hs, x.o )
> Linking x.exe ...
> E:\ghcTest>
> files (sizes in bytes)
>        186 x.hs
>        387 x.hi
>     3,184 x.o
>        498 x.exe.manifest
> 609,222 x.exe
>  When application is run
> Error dialog window pops up
> window title
> a.exe - Unable To Locate Component
> window text
> The application has failed to start because glut32.dll was not found.
> Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
> No output in shell; no glut window is created.
> Other builds tried; same runtime error
> ghc  --make x  -package GLUT  -static
> ghc -package GLUT  x.hs  -o x
> ghc --make x  -package GLUT  -LE:\apps\ghc\ghc-6.8.2\lib\GLUT-
> ghc --make x  -LE:\apps\ghc\ghc-6.8.2\lib\GLUT-
> --
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