[Haskell-cafe] Trouble compiling collections-0.3 (from Hackage)

Adrian Hey ahey at iee.org
Mon Apr 28 15:48:43 EDT 2008

ccing Haskell Cafe in case anyone else is interested in my answer..

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
> Adrian Hey wrote:
>> I don't think anyone is interested in working on this or maintaining
>> it, so it's probably best not to use it for new stuff.
> If nobody has stepped up yet, I'll take it over.  It would be a shame to
> see it bitrot.

I think the main problem is that the collections package contained a
number of different sub-projects that should really be separated out
(and indeed have been to some extent), as they were progressing at
rather different rates and it was never clear when would be a good time
to do a new release of collections as a whole, so it was never done.

There's the abstract collections class API's which were really what
Jean-Philippe Bernardy was working on. I'm not sure if he's still
interested in that so you'd better ask him. I think he's more interested
in Yi these days :-)

Then there's the AVL tree lib which has been put in hackage as a
separate package already. I kinda washed my hands of this too, but I
guess I'd better change my mind about that as if I don't maintain it
I don't think any one else will.

Then there's the relatively trivial AVL based Data.Set/Map clones which
aren't in hackage yet but I guess could be put there without too much

Then there's all the generalised trie stuff which has stalled for the
time being, at least until type families are available. You'll probably
see some more action on this in the summer as it's the subject of Jamie
Brandons GSoC project.

Adrian Hey

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