[Haskell-cafe] ANN: logfloat

wren ng thornton wren at freegeek.org
Fri Aug 15 20:59:04 EDT 2008

wren ng thornton wrote:
> --------------------------------------------
> -- Announcing: logfloat 0.8.2
> --------------------------------------------
> The code is very heavily documented, largely for pedagogical reasons. 
> Since Haddock doesn't play very nicely with literate Haskell, there's 
> also a small lhs2hs converter script which gets run when you call: 
> runhaskell Setup.hs haddock. This converter requires the bytestring 
> package. The library proper does not, so I didn't include this 
> dependency for the package itself.

It looks like Hackage's build bot doesn't do `runhaskell Setup.hs 
haddock` for generating the documentation. So for now at least, the 
documentation can be found at:


I'll work on correcting that in the future.

Live well,

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