[Haskell-cafe] Pure hashtable library

Jason Dusek jason.dusek at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 04:30:49 EDT 2008

Jules Bean <jules at jellybean.co.uk> wrote:
> Jason Dusek wrote:
> > I would much rather have a pure Trie that is foldable. If we
> > have a Trie, we get a space efficient sorted list, too.
> Well, Data.Sequence can be used as a space efficient sorted
> list which is Foldable - if you make the decision to insert
> elements into it in a sorted way, obviously.
> What advantages would a Trie have over Data.Sequence?

  A trie is guaranteed sorted -- so using a trie amounts to a
  "type level" guarantee for binary search and any other
  algorithm that relies on sortedness.


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