[Haskell-cafe] A hell of a question

Luke Palmer lrpalmer at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 07:33:59 EST 2008

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Andrzej Jaworski <himself at poczta.nom.pl>wrote:

> I just want to say Hello to let you know that there are some serious
> entities watching you besides
> monads and FBI:-)
> There has been a hell of a discussion recently about logos, languages and
> religion and I want to add
> to this.
> First let me disassociate Haskell from Taoism which to may taste has left
> us in an unhealthy climate.
> It suffices to say that Taoism is a school of clever trics and cute
> aphorisms but without the
> slightest attempt to explain or generalize let alone produce an abstract
> idea or a system. That is
> why its wisdom is non transferable in spite of majority of humans desending
> from it. Haskell on the
> contrary is a minority school that implements abstract ideas for problem
> solving in the most
> transferable way to date, so that other languages look into it for their
> share. But don't worry,
> thay will choke becouse it is them who practice Taoizm. Playing too many
> tricks will eventually
> trick them, even if some are powerful enough to brainwash dicent professors
> to preach
> interoperability or the like. Every viable complexity needs a single
> underlying concept to survive,
> including you and the universe. Microsoft and the like excluding;-)
> Haskell has all that: consistency, transparency and self-contained concept.

I associate Haskell with Zen, due to one of my favorite dialogues: "If it's
purely functional, how do you *do* anything?" "You don't ;-)"   (Courtesy of
Conal Elliott)

Haskell and Zen both happen to be my favorites in their respective fields
(and exactly which field that is for both is somewhat fuzzy)

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