[Haskell-cafe] Inductive graphs memory usage

Gökhan San gsan at stillpsycho.net
Fri Jul 11 16:30:45 EDT 2008

On Friday July 11 2008, Don Stewart wrote:
> Do you have the bencmark code? I'd like to try a couple of variants on
> the underlying structures.

It's not a thorough test but I suppose it gives an impression about 

-- Gokhan
-------------- next part --------------
$ ghc -O -prof --make TestGraph

$ ./TestGraph +RTS -s -P -RTS

TestGraph.stat with (testIG 50):
    20,881,408 bytes maximum residency (62 sample(s))
    %GC time      55.2%  (56.0% elapsed)

TestGraph.stat with (testG 50):
    90,112 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
    %GC time      14.3%  (21.2% elapsed)

> module Main (main) where 

> import qualified Data.Graph as G
> import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as IG
> import Data.Tree
> import Data.Maybe

> main :: IO ()
> main = do testIG 50
>           -- testG 50

> testIG nn = do let gi = createIG nn
>                print $ length $ IG.edges gi
>                print $ igTestDFS gi
>                print $ igTestDFS' gi 1
>                print $ igTestAdd gi

> createIG    :: Int -> IG.Gr String ()
> createIG nn = IG.mkGraph lnodes ledges
>     where nodes = [1 .. nn]
>           lnodes = zip nodes $ map show nodes
>           ledges = [(n1, n2, ()) | n1 <- nodes, n2 <- nodes]

> igTestDFS g = length $ IG.dfs [1] g

> igTestDFS' g sn = length sstr
>     where ns = IG.dfs [sn] g
>           sstr = concatMap (fromJust . (IG.lab g)) ns

> igTestAdd g = igTestDFS' g'' (nn + 1)
>     where nn = IG.noNodes g
>           newNodes = [nn + 1 .. nn + nn]
>           lnodes = zip newNodes $ map show newNodes
>           ledges = [(n1, n2, ()) | n1 <- newNodes, n2 <- newNodes]
>           g' = IG.insNodes lnodes g
>           g'' = IG.insEdges ledges g'

> type GG = (G.Graph, G.Vertex -> (String, Int, [Int]), Int -> Maybe G.Vertex)

> testG nn = do let g = createG nn
>               print $ length $ G.edges $ fst3 g
>               print $ gTestDFS g
>               print $ gTestDFS' g 1
>               print $ gTestAdd g

> createG    :: Int -> GG
> createG nn = G.graphFromEdges edges
>     where edges = [(show k, k, [1 .. nn]) | k <- [1 .. nn]]

> gTestDFS (g, fromVertex, toVertex) = length vs
>     where vs = flatten $ head $ G.dfs g [(fromJust $ toVertex 1)]

> gTestDFS' (g, fromVertex, toVertex) sk = length sstr
>     where vs = flatten $ head $ G.dfs g [(fromJust $ toVertex sk)]
>           sstr = concatMap (fst3 . fromVertex) vs

A little bit unfair but still performs well:

> gTestAdd (g, fromVertex, _) = gTestDFS' gg (nn + 1)
>     where vertices = G.vertices g
>           nn = length vertices
>           edges = map fromVertex vertices
>           newks = [nn + 1 .. nn + nn]
>           edges' = [(show k, k, newks) | k <- newks]
>           -- edges' = map (\ (n, k, ks) -> (n, k + ki, map (ki +) ks)) edges
>           gg = G.graphFromEdges (edges ++ edges')

> fst3 (x, _, _) = x

> snd3 (_, y, _) = y

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