[Haskell-cafe] Architecturally flawed

Tillmann Rendel rendel at daimi.au.dk
Mon Jul 14 02:47:47 EDT 2008

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> [design of a bitwise binary library]
> (This would all be so trivial in an OO language. Just make an Encoder 
> object that updates its own state internally and talks to a Source 
> object and a Destination object for its data...)

I guess it's on the same level of trivialness in Haskell, too, but to be 
fair, I haven't tried it... I would proceed as follows:

(1) Try to not shadow names from the mtl or other standard packages.

     I choose BitSink and BitSource instead of Reader and Writer.

(2) Select a small number of primitive operations.

     I select the operations "read n bits" and "put n bits" as primitive
     operations. As interface format, I choose [Boolean], which is
     not exactly optimized, but easy to understand.

     It is easy to implement operations for single bits, bytes etc. on
     top of this operations. We will later include them into the
     typeclass, but we will first make the [Boolean]-based operations

(2) Make BitSink and BitSource composable, e.g., as monad transformers.
     The type classes could look like:

     class MonadBitSource m where
       getBits :: Int -> m [Boolean]

     class MonadBitSink m where
       putBits :: [Boolean] -> m ()

     And we need a lot of trivial instances for the various mtl monad
     transformers in the style of:

     instance MonadBitSink m => MonadBitSink (ReaderT m) where
       putBits = lift . putBits

(3) Write a very simple implementation to (a) check that the typeclasses
     makes sense and is implementable and (b) have a test-implementation
     for later correctness tests.

     The easiest implementation I can think of consists of a state monad
     which handles a list of booleans. It could look like this:

     newtype BitListT m a = BitListT (StateT [Boolean] m a)
       deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadReader r, MonadWriter w, ...)

     You should be able to derive all mtl classes except
     MonadTransformer, MonadIO and MonadState. Instantiate these

     instance MonadTransformer BitListT where
       lift (BitListT p) = BitListT (lift p)

     instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (BitListT m) where
       liftIO = lift . liftIO

     We want to hide BitListT's state and expose a state in the nested
     monad to the user, if there is any.

     instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (BitListT m) where
       get = lift get
       put = lift . put

     Finally, the real stuff:

     instance MonadBitSink (BitListT m) where
       putBits x = BitListT $ modify (++ x)

     instance MonadBitSource (BitListT m) where
       getBits n = BitListT $ do
         result <- gets (take n)
         guard (length result == n)
         modify (drop n)
         return result

     runSinkBitListT :: BitListT m a -> m (BitListT ([Boolean], a))
     runSinkBitListT (BitListT p) = return $ runState p []

     runSourceBitListT :: BitListT m a -> [Boolean] -> m a
     runSourceBitListT (BitListT p) bits = return $ evalState p bits

(4) Check the simple implementation

     Now we can write quickcheck properties (if you believe in XP, you
     can write them before (3), of course) to check our simple
     implementation and document the specification. given simple function
     runSink = runIdentity . runSinkBitListT and runSource bits =
     runIdentity . runSourceBitListT bits, we have such properties as

       forall n . forall bits . length bits >= n ==>
         length (runSource (getBits n)) == n

       forall bits . runSource (getBits (length bits)) == bits

       forall a . forall b .
         (runSource (liftM2 (++) (getBits a) (getBits b)))
         == runSource (getBits (a + b))

       forall p . forall q .
         runSink p ++ runSink q == runSink (p ++ q)

     usw. Use the tricks already mentioned in this thread for the last
     property. Don't forget to write properties for the high-level
     interface putWord8 etc.

(5) Write a more realistic instance, e.g. by replacing [Boolean] through
     (Int, ByteString) and doing clever things in getBits / putBits. Test
     this instance both with the existing properties and against the
     simple instance, i.e., verify that getBits and setBits means the
     same in both monads.

(6) move the high-level functions getWord8 & Co. into the typeclass,
     keep the definition as defaults. they are fine for BitListT, but
     implement your own versions for the other instance. Quickcheck them
     against the properties, against the simple implementation in
     BitListT and against the default definitions.

(7) if you need tracing, use liftIO (print ...) and finally understand
     what's the point about monad transformer stacks and MonadIO and
     why you almost always want to define a monad transformer instead
     of a monad.

(8) Write your LZW stuff with

     newtype EncoderT s m a = EncoderT (StateT (LZW s) (BitSink m) a)
       deriving (a lot of stuff)

(9) Have fun!


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