[Haskell-cafe] Access to Oracle database from Haskell

Alistair Bayley alistair at abayley.org
Wed Jun 25 04:10:56 EDT 2008

>> $ ll $ORACLE_HOME/lib
>> ...
>> I assume that libociei.so is the library I need.
> Actually it's libclntsh.so. You need to change the oracle section in
> Takusen.cabal to this:


Another difference between Windows and Linux Oracle installations is
that the client libs are in $ORACLE_HOME/lib on Linux, but in
$ORACLE_HOME/bin on Windows. The Setup.hs script has the Windows case
baked in. You should change the configOracle function like so:

configOracle verbose buildtools =
  createConfigByFindingExe verbose buildtools "Oracle" sqlplusProgram
parentFolder oracleLibDir "oci/include"
    -- location of OCI client library differs between Windows and Unix
    where oracleLibDir = if isWindows then "bin" else "lib"


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