[Haskell-cafe] Re: Write Haskell as fast as C.

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Sun May 18 13:04:12 EDT 2008

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Ketil Malde wrote:
>> Ketil Malde <ketil at malde.org> writes:
>>>> data EvidenceCode = IAC | IUG | IFR | NAC | NR | ... deriving Show
>>> Could it be that this derived read instance is somehow very 
>>> inefficient?
>> To answer my own question: this is exactly it, ghc derives less than
>> optimal code in this case.  Rather than reiterate the case here, I did
>> a quick writeup at http://blog.malde.org/, and would be quite happy
>> about any feedback or suggestions.
> I think you'll find the code that GHC derives for a Read instance 
> handles extra whitespace and all kinds of other whatnot that you don't 
> actually need in this specific case. I suspect this is what's up - but 
> I don't have any hard proof for that. ;-)

I wrote three programs:

One does

data Tag =
  Orange |
  Lemon  |
  Lime   |
  Apple  |
  Banana |
  Pear   |
  deriving Read

The other two use

get_tag :: String -> Tag
get_tag "Orange" = Orange
get_tag "Lemon"  = Lemon
get_tag "Lime"   = Lime
get_tag "Apple"  = Apple
get_tag "Banana" = Banana
get_tag "Pear"   = Pear
get_tag "Peach"  = Peach
get_tag _        = error "not a tag"


get_tag :: String -> Tag
get_tag xs = case xs of
  [] -> bad
  (x:xs1) -> case x of
    'A' -> case xs1 of
      "pple" -> Apple
      _      -> bad
    'B' -> case xs1 of
      "anana" -> Banana
      _       -> bad
    'L' -> case xs1 of
      "emon" -> Lemon
      "ime"  -> Lime
      _      -> bad
    'O' -> case xs1 of
      "range" -> Orange
      _       -> bad
    'P' -> case xs1 of
      ('e':'r':xs2) -> case xs2 of
        "r"  -> Pear
        "ch" -> Peach
        _    -> bad
      _             -> bad
    _   -> bad

bad = error "not a tag"

I wrote a driver program that reads a file of 1,000,000 tag values. 
Using the first version (GHC-derived Read instance) it took about 32 
seconds to process. Using the second version (just a bunch of strings to 
match, no cleaverness at all) took approximately 1 second. The 3rd 
version was so fast I didn't have time to see the window open before it 
closed again.

Note that all of this was using plain ordinary Strings, not ByteString 
or anything fancy like that.

Note also that the actual documentation for the Prelude even says that 
Read is very slow. [Although it says it's slow for reading large 
structures, not large numbers of trivial structures.]

None of this is really all that surprising; in the general case, a Read 
instance might have to skip over spaces or parse deeply nested brackets 
or any number of other things. If you know you don't need to handle all 
those cases, write your own parser. It shouldn't be hard to come up with 
something faster. [Altough obviously it's kinda tedious.]

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