[Haskell-cafe] Re: Fixity parsing, Template Haskell

Reiner Pope reiner.pope at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 18:03:28 EST 2008

It occurs to me that changing the Template Haskell representation to a
less-information representation is disadvantageous when code has been
reified for examination by a Template Haskell-using library. In that
case, the library would want maximum knowledge about the fixities.

Perhaps the best solution is just to forbid unparenthesised infix
expressions in the quasiquote language.


On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:59 PM, Reiner Pope <reiner.pope at gmail.com> wrote:
> This post follows on from a discussion about a month ago, called
> "Haskell Syntax Inside Quasiquote".
> To summarise,  suppose I want to create a Haskell quasiquoter for lists, eg
>  [$list|1,x^2,y,3|]      (representing the list [1,x^2,y,3])
> Ideally, this would allow arbitrary Haskell expressions for each
> element of the list (provided, of course, that the types are correct).
> To write this list quasiquoter, I would need to parse Haskell
> expressions. This is doable[1], but is necessarily buggy when infix
> operators are concerned. For instance, a user of the list quasiquoter
> may define two new operators, (+*) and (+^), and then write
>  [$list|1+*2+^3|]
> Being able to correctly parse such an expression depends on known the
> two operator's fixities, which is currently impossible. The problem is
> that potentially non-local fixity declarations affect parsing.
> As far as I can see, the correct solution is to change the Template
> Haskell AST representation of fixity expressions from
>> data Exp = ...
>>   | InfixE (Maybe Exp) Exp (Maybe Exp)
> to something like
>> type Op = Exp --- because TH doesn't distinguish operators from expressions
>> data Exp = ...
>>  | InfixE [Exp] [Op]  --- length [Exp] == 1 + length [Op], always
>>  | LeftSection Exp Op
>>  | RightSection Op Exp
> Apart from splitting of the sections, the important difference is that
> the expressions are parsed as a list of expressions separated by
> operators. So, my example above would be parsed as something like
> InfixE [parseExp "1", parseExp "2", parseExp "3"] ["+*", "+^"]
> Then, when Template Haskell performs the splice, it could correctly
> resolve the fixities.
> Of course, this would require a change to Template Haskell, so a
> second-best solution would be to forbid unparenthesised expressions in
> my quasiquoter. Then, parsing can proceed correctly without knowing
> the fixities. This would be easiest to do if haskell-src-exts changed
> its AST in a similar way to described above for Template Haskell.
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Reiner Pope
> [1] For instance, see haskell-src-meta, which uses haskell-src-exts as
> a parser, and then converts the AST into a form that Template Haskell
> recognises.

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