[Haskell-cafe] minor typo in "The Haskell 98 Report"

Benjamin L.Russell DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Mon Apr 6 03:56:13 EDT 2009

Today, as I was reading through "The Haskell 98 Report" (see
http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/), I came across a minor typo, but
it seems that the only way to fix such typos is to report them on one
of the Haskell mailing lists; viz.:

>The original committees ceased to exist when the original Haskell 98 Reports were published, so every change was instead proposed to the entire Haskell mailing list.

Therefore, please allow me to report this typo, though minor, here, as

The Haskell 98 Report - Preface (see
http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/preface-jfp.html), under the
heading "Haskell 98: language and libraries," fourth paragraph, second

>If these program were to be portable, a set of libraries would have to be standardised too.

should be as follows:

>If these programs were to be portable, a set of libraries would have to be standardised too.

(I.e., the word "program" should be plural.)

Is this the proper place to report any forthcoming similar typos?

-- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
"Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." 
-- Matsuo Basho^ 

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