[Haskell-cafe] Trying to sort out multiparameter type classes and their instances

Jeremy Fitzhardinge jeremy at goop.org
Tue Dec 1 19:43:04 EST 2009

On 12/01/09 15:12, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> Am Dienstag 01 Dezember 2009 23:34:46 schrieb Jeremy Fitzhardinge:
>> I'm playing around with some types to represent a game board (like Go,
>> Chess, Scrabble, etc).
>> I'm using a type class to represent the basic Board interface, so I can
>> change the implementation freely:
>> class Board b pos piece where
>>     -- Update board with piece played at pos
>>     play :: b pos piece -> pos -> piece -> b pos piece
> So the parameter b of the class is a type constructor taking two types and constructing a 
> type from those.


> IOW, it's a type constructor of kind (* -> * -> *), like (->) or Either.
> (* is the kind of types [Int, Char, Either Bool (), Double -> Rational -> Int, ...]
> [...]
>> but ghci complains:
>> board.hs:34:15:
>>     Kind mis-match
>>     Expected kind `* -> * -> *', but `pos -> Maybe piece' has kind `*'
>>     In the instance declaration for `Board (pos
>>                                             -> Maybe piece) pos piece'
> Yes, as said above.
> (pos -> Maybe piece) is a *type*, but the type class expects a type constructor of kind 
> (* -> * ->*) here.

I thought "(pos -> Maybe piece) pos piece" would provide the 3 type
arguments to Board.

Oh, I see my mistake.  I was seeing "b pos piece" as type parameters for
Board, but actually Board is just taking a single parameter of kind * ->
* -> *.

> Method 2: Multiparameter type class with functional dependencies and suitable kinds
> class Board b pos piece | b -> pos, b -> piece where
>     play :: b -> pos -> piece -> b
>     at :: b -> pos -> Maybe piece
>     empty :: b
> instance (Eq pos) => Board (pos -> Maybe piece) pos piece where
>     play b pos piece = \p -> if p == pos then Just piece else b p
>     at = id
>     empty = const Nothing
> requires {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> Not necessarily ideal either.

OK, but that's pretty much precisely what I was aiming for.   I'm not
sure I understand what the difference between

    play :: b pos piece -> pos -> piece -> b pos piece


    play :: b -> pos -> piece -> b

is.  Does adding type params to b here change its kind?

> Method 3: Associated type families
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
> module Board where
> class Board b where
>     type Pos b :: *
>     type Piece b :: *
>     play :: b -> Pos b -> Piece b -> b
>     at :: b -> Pos b -> Maybe (Piece b)
>     empty :: b
> instance (Eq pos) => Board (pos -> Maybe piece) where
>     type Pos (pos -> Maybe piece) = pos
>     type Piece (pos -> Maybe piece) = piece
>     play b pos piece = \p -> if p == pos then Just piece else b p
>     at b p = b p
>     empty _ = Nothing
> I would try that first.

OK, there's some new stuff there I'm going to have to digest...

Thanks very much,

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