[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Google Summer of Code 2009

Conrad Meyer konrad at tylerc.org
Tue Feb 10 17:49:38 EST 2009

On Tuesday 10 February 2009 07:18:00 am Jamie wrote:
> What I would like to see is H.264 video codec in Haskell.  H.264/MPEG-4 is
> getting very popular nowadays and it would be great to have encoder and
> decoder in haskell.  Can use x264 (encoder) and ffmpeg (en/de coder)
> as a base to start with.
>  	Jamie

GSoC is run out of the US, where software patents would prevent a student from 
taking this task.

Conrad Meyer <konrad at tylerc.org>

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