[Haskell-cafe] Re: base-4 + gtk2hs-0.10.0 licensing

Wolfgang Jeltsch g9ks157k at acme.softbase.org
Thu Feb 26 07:42:50 EST 2009

Am Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009 23:38 schrieb Peter Hercek:
> So my opinion (IAMNAL):
> 1) source code under very limiting commercial license (just to allow
> recompile with a newer LGPL lib and nothing else) is OK
> 2) it is probable that only the *.o, *.hi files and a linking script are
> OK too

I think, it’s technically not possible to let your Haskell application use 
another library version when you just have the .o and .hi files of the new 
library version. The .hi files typically contain code which is inlined by the 
application, so you have to be able to recompile the application. Or am I 
misunderstanding you?

Best wishes,

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