[Haskell-cafe] Hidden module?

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Fri Feb 27 09:19:47 EST 2009

Am Freitag, 27. Februar 2009 15:13 schrieb Cristiano Paris:
> Cabalising hsc2hc I get (this is actually from manually building the
> package):
> ---
> [paris at bagend hsc2hs-0.67.20061107]$ runghc Setup.hs build
> Preprocessing executables for hsc2hs-0.67.20061107...
> Building hsc2hs-0.67.20061107...
> Main.hs:32:7:
>     Could not find module `System.Process':
>       it is a member of package process-, which is hidden
> [paris at bagend hsc2hs-0.67.20061107]$
> which I cannot understand. Please help!
> ---
> Cristiano

Cabal hides all packages not listed among the build-depends when building the 
libraries. I think in 2006, System.Process was in the base package ('twas 
before the base-split), so process is not listed among the build-depends in 
hsc2hs' .cabal file.
Add it and try again.


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