[Haskell-cafe] Use of abbreviations in Haskell

Ketil Malde ketil at malde.org
Mon Jan 5 06:23:21 EST 2009

Isaac Dupree <ml at isaac.cedarswampstudios.org> writes:

My proposal:

>> A module may be defined in a file with a name corresponding to the
>> module name, or any dot-separated prefix of it.  I.e. the file
>> Foo/Bar.hs will define module Foo.Bar and optionally Foo.Bar.Baz as
>> well.

> Note though, that local modules tempt us to a couple other things too, even 
> though they're not necessary to the proposal and would complicate it:

> - access-controlled modules (e.g. if other code can't import Foo.Bar.Baz)

This has been requested on and off, typically exposing internals for
testing purposes.

> - relative-path imports / module names (e.g. if in Foo/Bar.hs we make Baz and 
> try to import it some way with "import Baz")

My choice would be to be cavalier about it, and sweep these under the
orthogonality carpet :-)

I'm not convinced they would complicate things - not a lot, at any
rate. If possible the system should be designed so that sub-modules
should behave just as if they were defined in files in the appropriate
subdirectory.  Is it possible?

OTOH, a bonus would be that you might avoid the need to bootstrap
recursive modules if you put them in the same file?

> and as we already mentioned, it would likely involve some implicit importing 
> of the sub-module.

I must have missed this, could you help me with a pointer?

> I think my module-search mechanism makes a well-defined, deterministic way to 
> find the right module


> Implicit importing: submodule syntax implies adding an "import 
> The.Module.Name" line at that point in the containing file.  

I'm not sure I agree with that, I don't see why we shouldn't treat
these modules as ordinary modules.  One of the motivations for doing
this is to qualify record labels - not being able to specify "import
.. qualified" or "as ..." seems like rather a loss.

> This would suggest that submodules must be at the top, among the
> imports, because all imports must syntactically be at the beginning
> of the file -- and there's a reason for this.  

Which is?  Do we avoid one pass, or what?

> so an example could be
> module MyData
> (
> module MyData.Sub,  -- or equivalently, D(..)
> transform
> )
> where
  -- so I would require this as well, 
  import MyData.Sub (transform, D(..))

> module MyData.Sub  --or "module Sub" ?? that seems a bit too ad-hoc though
> where
>   data D = E | F
> transform :: D -> D
> transform F = E
> transform E = F

Another example:
module Foo where
import qualified Foo.Bar as Bar
import Foo.Zot

f z = x z                -- z = Zot.z, f :: Z -> Float
g b = Bar.x b + Bar.y b


module Foo.Bar where
data B = B { x, y :: Int }


module Foo.Zot where
data Z = Z { x :: Float }


I'd make an exception for Main, which would count as no top-level
module, and thus allow 

module Main where
import ...
import Sub

module Sub where  -- not Main.Sub, but possibly FileName.Sub?
import ...

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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