[Haskell-cafe] State Monad - using the updated state

Ryan Ingram ryani.spam at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 21:28:33 EST 2009

Hi Phil.  First a quick style comment, then I'll get to the meat of
your question.

getRanq1 is correct; although quite verbose.  A simpler definition is this:
getRanq1 = State ranq1

This uses the State constructor from Control.Monad.State:
State :: (s -> (a,s)) -> State s a

What it sounds like you want is this:

main = do
    x <- getARandomNumber
    ... do some other stuff
    y <- getAnotherRandomNumber
    .. etc.

using State.  There are two ways to go about this; the first is, if
the entire computation is pure, that is, the "do some other stuff"
doesn't do IO, you can embed the whole computation in "State":

seed = 124353542542
main = do
    result <- evalState randomComputation (ranq1Init seed)
    ... some IO using result ...

randomComputation = do
    x <- getRanq1
    let y = some pure computation using x
    z <- getRanq1
    w <- something that uses x, y, and z that also uses the random source
    ... etc.
    return (some result)

The other option, if you want to do IO in between, is to use a
"transformer" version of State:

type MyMonad a = StateT Word64 IO a

main = withStateT (ranq1Init seed) $ do
    x <- getRanq1_t
    liftIO $ print x
    y <- getRanq1_t

getRanq1_t :: MyMonad Double
getRanq1_t = liftStateT getRanq1

liftStateT :: State s a -> MyMonad a
liftStateT m = StateT $ \s -> return (runState m s)

withStateT :: Word64 -> MyMonad a -> IO a
withStateT s m = evalStateT m s  -- can also just use "withStateT =
flip evalStateT"

This uses these functions from Control.Monad.State:

liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
   This takes any IO action and puts it into any monad that supports
IO.  In this case, StateT s IO a fits.

runState :: StateT s a -> s -> (a,s)
   This evaluates a pure stateful computation and gives you the result.

StateT :: (s -> m (a,s)) -> StateT s m a
   This builds a StateT directly.  You could get away without it like this:

liftStateT m = do
    s <- get
    let (a, s') = runState m s
    put s'
    return a

(note the similarity to your getRanq1 function!)

evalStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m a
    This is just evalState for the transformer version of State.  In
our case it has the type (MyMonad a -> Word64 -> IO a)

This said, as a beginner I recommend trying to make more of your code
pure so you can avoid IO; you do need side effects for some things,
but while learning it makes sense to try as hard as you can to avoid
it.  You can make a lot of interesting programs with just "interact"
and pure functions.

If you're just doing text operations, try to make your program look like this:

main = interact pureMain

pureMain :: String -> String
pureMain s = ...

You'll find it will teach you a lot about laziness & the power of
purity!  A key insight is that State *is* pure, even though code using
it looks somewhat imperative.

  -- ryan

P.S. If you can't quite get out of the imperative mindset you can
visit imperative island via the ST boat.

2009/1/7 Phil <pbeadling at mail2web.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie looking to get my head around using the State Monad for random
> number generation.  I've written non-monad code that achieves this no
> problem.  When attempting to use the state monad I can get what I know to be
> the correct initial value and state, but can't figure out for the life of me
> how to then increment it without binding more calls there and then.  Doing
> several contiguous calls is not what I want to do here – and the examples
> I've read all show this (using something like liftM2 (,) myRandom myRandom).
>  I want to be able to do:
> Get_a_random_number
> < a whole load of other stuff >
> Get the next number as defined by the updated state in the first call
> <some more stuff>
> Get another number, and so on.
> I get the first number fine, but am lost at how to get the second, third,
> forth etc without binding there and then.  I just want each number one at a
> time where and when I want it, rather than saying give 1,2,10 or even 'n'
> numbers now.  I'm sure it's blindly obvious!
> Note: I'm not using Haskell's built in Random functionality (nor is that an
> option), I'll spare the details of the method I'm using (NRC's ranq1) as I
> know it works for the non-Monad case, and it's irrelevent to the question.
>  So the code is:
> ranq1 :: Word64 -> ( Double, Word64 )
> ranq1 state = ( output, newState )
>   where
>     newState = ranq1Increment state
>     output = convert_to_double newState
> ranq1Init :: Word64 -> Word64
> ranq1Init = convert_to_word64 . ranq1Increment . xor_v_init
> -- I'll leave the detail of how ranq1Increment works out for brevity.  I
> know this bit works fine.  Same goes for the init function it's just
> providing an initial state.
> -- The Monad State Attempt
> getRanq1 :: State Word64 Double
> getRanq1 = do
>   state <- get
>   let ( randDouble, newState ) = ranq1 state
>   put newState
>   return randDouble
> _________ And then in my main _________
> -- 124353542542 is just an arbitrary seed
> main :: IO()
> main = do
>        let x = evalState getRanq1 (ranq1Init 124353542542)
>        print (x)
> As I said this works fine; x gives me the correct first value for this
> sequence, but how do I then get the second and third without writing the
> giveMeTenRandoms style function?  I guess what I want is a next() type
> function, imperatively speaking.
> Many thanks for any help,
> Phil.
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