[Haskell-cafe] Low-level networking [Haskell not ready for Foo]

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Thu Jan 8 17:50:24 EST 2009

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> John Goerzen wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 10:36:32AM -0700, John A. De Goes wrote:
>>> The number of applications requiring the implementation of a custom web 
>>> server is an insignificant fraction of the number of applications  
>>> requiring a messaging system. I don't think anyone would dispute  
>>> Haskell's ability to do low-level, raw networking, of the type that few 
>>> people actually need to do. It's the higher level stuff where there's a 
>>> huge amount of room for improvement.
>> I disagree on both points.
>> Haskell has had somewhat of a deficit in the low-level networking
>> stuff, not even supporting IPv6 in the standard stack until just
>> recently.  (That is, things like AF_INET6 were not present.)
>> I think it has pretty much caught up by now though.
> Any idea how I get Haskell to send ICMP ECHO packets? (And, obviously, 
> receive the replies.)

SocketType claims to support Raw, which I think is the conventional
means for doing this.  Whether all the infrastructure for that is there,
I don't know.  I have never worked with raw sockets though, so I may be
leading you down a dark mugger-laden alley here ;-)

-- John

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