[Haskell-cafe] real haskell difficulties (at least for me)

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Thu Jan 15 06:45:26 EST 2009

Duncan Coutts ha scritto:
> [...]
>> Do you know buildbot?
>> http://buildbot.net/trac
> Yeah, it's great for some kinds of projects. For example it's used for
> ghc. However it is very centralised, synchronous and needs ssh on
> Windows.
> What we've implemented is using cabal-install to generate build logs and
> summary info and to upload that to the hackage server. The advantage is
> that we should get an order or two magnitude more results than if we
> used a handful of buildbots. 

This seems a good idea.
However, it is possible for a thirdy part user to submit build logs for 
a specific platform?

In detail:
- The package author submit his package, and additional build logs
   for each platform he have access to
- Other users can submit additional build logs for their platform

I think, however, that a centralized system has its advantages.
As an example, a newly submitted package can be put in a 'incoming 
queue', and moved to the final destination only if it builds (and tests 
succeed) on all the supported platforms.

 > [..]

Manlio Perillo

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