[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Web Framework

Michael Snoyman michael at snoyman.com
Mon Jan 26 12:49:47 EST 2009

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:37 AM, John A. De Goes <john at n-brain.net> wrote:

> The best approach is to push as much functionality into the client as
> possible. The ideal server-side framework consists of nothing more than a
> permissions-based interface to persistence and network services. That's it.
> Everything else is done on the client side, in JavaScript.
> Web designers can pretty easily style dynamically generated HTML, if the
> semantics are good -- you just need to let them capture that HTML in any
> given part of the application.
> What this means is that effort is probably best directed at Yhc/JavaScript
> and similar projects, which compile Haskell to JavaScript for execution on
> the client. Sure, some server-side work needs to be done, but it's extremely
> minimal. Far more needs to be done on the client-side. There's not many
> people working on that and the infrastructure is in need of more creative
> input and development resources.

That's great in theory, but then you end of with inaccessible web sites,
those without Javascript are left out in the cold, and search engines won't
index you. I think any framework should transparently make a site work the
way you describe and as plain HTML.
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