[Haskell-cafe] WYSIWYG literate programming

Mads Lindstrøm mads_lindstroem at yahoo.dk
Tue Jan 27 13:16:40 EST 2009


Have you considered using LyX ( http://www.lyx.org/Home ) in stead of

I have never tried TexMacs, but newer versions of LyX do seem to have a
more modern interface than TexMacs. I do not know have easy LyX is to
modify to your needs though.


Mads Lindstrøm

Massimiliano Gubinelli wrote:
> Hi,
>  I would like to "advertise" TeXmacs (http://www.texmacs.org/) to the
> Haskell comunity as a possible front-end for literate programming in Haskell
> (and GHCI interaction). TeXmacs is a system which allows the production of
> documents featuring high quality typesetting (comparable to TeX) and high
> level of customizability (a la Emacs). It does not rely on TeX for the
> typesetting (but can export to Latex, HTML, etc..). It is written in C++
> (unfortunately not Haskell) and use Scheme as extension language
> (specifically Guile). It has been in use for at least 10 years and has
> plugins for many external applications like Pari, Axiom, Maxima, Octave, R,
> Yacas, etc... 
> >From the webpage: "GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you
> want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software
> aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured
> documents with different types of content (text, graphics, mathematics,
> interactive content, etc.). The rendering engine uses high-quality
> typesetting algorithms so as to produce professionally looking documents,
> which can either be printed out or presented from a laptop."
> It would be nice to develop a pluging for GHC/GHCI to allow "direct"
> literate programming style with high-quality rendering. (If someone want to
> try before I find the time to do it myself.... )
> Massimiliano

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