[Haskell-cafe] Missing a "Deriving"?

michael rice nowgate at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 1 13:02:36 EDT 2009

I went back and tried to convert the YAHT example to Monad, importing Monad, commenting out all but the data descriptions and the searchAll function, and finally replacing success, failure, augment, and combine in the searchAll function with return, fail, >>=, and mplus.

*Main> let g = Graph [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d')] [(1,2,'p'),(2,3,'q'),(1,4,'r'),(4,3,'s')]
*Main> searchAll g 1 3 :: [[Int]]
*Main> searchAll g 1 3 :: Maybe [Int]
Just [1,2,3]
*Main> searchAll g 3 1 :: Maybe [Int]
*Main> searchAll g 3 1 :: [[Int]]

All good so far, but then tried to convert Failable from Computation to Monad

instance Monad Failable where
    return = Success
    fail = Fail
    >>= (Success x) f = f x
    >>= (Fail s) _ = Fail s
    mplus (Fail _) y = y
    mplus x _ = x

and got the following error.

Prelude> :l graph5
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( graph5.hs, interpreted )

graph5.hs:34:4: parse error on input `>>='
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Complete code follows.



import Monad

data Failable a = Success a | Fail String deriving (Show)

data Graph v e = Graph [(Int,v)] [(Int,Int,e)]

class Computation c where
    success :: a -> c a
    failure :: String -> c a
    augment :: c a -> (a -> c b) -> c b
    combine :: c a -> c a -> c a

instance Computation Maybe where
    success = Just
    failure = const Nothing
    augment (Just x) f = f x
    augment Nothing _ = Nothing
    combine Nothing y = y
    combine x _ = x

instance Computation Failable where
    success = Success
    failure = Fail
    augment (Success x) f = f x
    augment (Fail s) _ = Fail s
    combine (Fail _) y = y
    combine x _ = x

instance Monad Failable where
    return = Success
    fail = Fail
    >>= (Success x) f = f x
    >>= (Fail s) _ = Fail s
    mplus (Fail _) y = y
    mplus x _ = x

instance Computation [] where
    success a = [a]
    failure = const []
    augment l f = concat (map f l)
    combine = (++)

searchAll g@(Graph vl el) src dst
    | src == dst = success [src]
    | otherwise = search' el
    where search' [] = failure "no path"
          search' ((u,v,_):es)
              | src == u = (searchAll g v dst `augment`
                             (success . (u:)))
                            `combine` search' es
              | otherwise = search' es

searchAll g@(Graph vl el) src dst
    | src == dst = return [src]
    | otherwise = search' el
    where search' [] = fail "no path"
          search' ((u,v,_):es)
              | src == u = (searchAll g v dst >>=
                             (return . (u:)))
                            `mplus` search' es
              | otherwise = search' es

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