[Haskell-cafe] Software Transactional Memory and LWN

Ketil Malde ketil at malde.org
Thu Jun 11 07:38:39 EDT 2009

Neil Brown <nccb2 at kent.ac.uk> writes:

> I think there needs to be some differentiation here between the
> implementation of STM, and the programmer's use of STM.

> The implementation of STM does effectively use locks (from memory,
> it's this paper that explains it:

Ignoring the paper in the interest of laz...expedience, I guess the
crucial part is committing the transactions - you'd either need locks
or to single-thread the committing.

> The use of STM does not involve locks, and one of STM's main
> advantages is that it hides explicit locks from the user.  If you have
> retry in STM (as Haskell does, but not all other implementations do)
> then you can write deadlocking code with it, and indeed you can
> simulate mutexes and so on using retry, hence allowing you to use your
> own constructed locks with STM.  So in using STM you can deadlock, and
> you can make some locks to use if you want, but it's not required.

So the naïve attempt at doing this would be something like:

    thread = do
        -- grab "lock 1"
        t <- readTVar lock
        when t retry
        writeTVar lock True

        -- grab "lock 2"
        t2 <- readTVar lock2
        when t2 retry writeTVar
        writeTVar lock2 True

        -- do something
        writeTVar lock2 False
        writeTVar lock False

and another one with the locks reversed.  But that won't work of
course, since the 'retry' will rollback the taking of lock 1 as well.
So do I need to split this up into separate STM transactions and
orchestrate the locking from the IO monad?

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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