[Haskell-cafe] Generalizing IO

Gregory Crosswhite gcross at phys.washington.edu
Tue Oct 6 03:54:56 EDT 2009

Oh, and I just thought of one more approach:

class StreamMonad m where
	fetchLine = m
	sendLine = String -> m ()

instance StreamMonad IO where
	fetchLine = getLine
	sendLine = putLine

fetchLineFromStream = lift fetchLine
sendLineToStream = lift . sendLine

type PDState = StateT PD

main = runStateT loop (PD { pdCount = 0, pdList = [] })

loop :: (StreamMonad m) => PDState m a
loop = forever $ fetchLineFromStream >>= runCmd

runCmd :: (StreamMonad m) => String -> PDState m ()
runCmd "Inc" = increment
runCmd "PrintCount" = getCount >>= sendLineToStream


i.e., you could use type-classes instead of passing around a datatype  
to specify how to send/fetch lines.

On Oct 6, 2009, at 12:36 AM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

> It isn't clear what it is that you are trying to generalize the code  
> to do.  If you are trying to generalize it to work with an arbitrary  
> input/output stream of lines, then unless you are doing arbitrary I/ 
> O it seems to me that all of these instance declarations are  
> overkill.  All that you need is to know how to get a line from the  
> stream, and how to send a line.
> Assuming that this is the case, you have a couple of options.  If  
> you are only going to write to the stream within runCmd, then I'd  
> just pass in the line writing function as an extra argument:
> type PDState = StateT PD
> loop :: (m String) -> (String -> m ()) -> PDState m a
> loop fetchLine sendLine = forever $ lift fetchLine >>= runCmd (lift  
> sendLine)
> runCmd :: (String -> PDState m ()) -> PDstate m ()
> runCmd sendLine cmd =
> 	case cmd of
> 		"Inc" -> increment
> 		"PrintCount" -> getCount >>= sendLine . show
> 		"PrintList" -> getList >>= sendLine . show
> 		...
> If you forsee doing reading and writing at other points in your  
> code, you could use the RWS monad to supply your code not only with  
> a state but also with an environment with the reading and writing  
> functions:
> data StreamFunctions m = StreamFunctions
> 	{	streamLineFetcher :: m String
> 	,	streamLineSender :: String -> m ()
> 	}
> fetchLineFromStream = lift $ asks streamLineFetcher
> sendLineDownStream cmd = lift (asks streamLineSender >>= return . ($  
> cmd))
> data PDMonad = RWST (StreamFunctions m) () PD m
> main = evalRWST loop (StreamFunctions ...) (PD { pdCount = 0, pdList  
> = [] })
> loop :: PDMonad m ()
> loop = forever $ fetchLineFromStream >>= runCmd
> runCmd :: String -> PDMonad m ()
> runCmd "Inc" = increment
> runCmd "PrintCount" = getCount >>= sendLineDownStream
> runCmd "PrintList" = getList >>= sendLineDownStream
> Note that we didn't have to put any additional constraints on the  
> monad type variable "m", because other than the fact that we can get  
> a line and send a line within it we don't otherwise care what it  
> is.  If you want to do other arbitrary I/O within this framework,  
> though, then you will need to add a "MonadIO m" constraint.
> Cheers,
> Greg
> On Oct 5, 2009, at 8:54 PM, Floptical Logic wrote:
>>> Instead of specifying the monad implementation, specify the  
>>> interface.
>>> That is, you are using state operations (from MonadState) and IO
>>> operations (from MonadIO). Try removing all the type signatures that
>>> mention PDState and see what you get.
>>> E.g., loop :: (MonadState PD m, MonadIO m) => m a
>> If I were to make an instance of MonadIO be a parameter to StateT and
>> I wanted to use the Net monad (from Roll your own IRC bot on the  
>> wiki)
>> with it, I would need to make Net an instance of MonadIO.  What would
>> this instance look like?
>> I think the loop function is the least of my worries.  I am more
>> concerned about the runCmd function.  What would go in place of print
>> in runCmd?
>> Thanks
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